On-Demand Course: Specifications and ACI 211 Proportioning Concrete Mixtures (Part 1)

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The contents of this course include four recorded presentations from the ACI 2018 Fall Convention:

• The Role of Minimum Cement Contents in Concrete Specifications and Mixture Proportioning, by Karthik Obla, NRMCA

• Use of Four Aggregates in Mixture Design, by Frank Kozeliski, Kozeliski Consulting LLC

• Proposed Mixture Proportioning Method for Concrete Made with Coarse Recycled Concrete Aggregate (RCA), by Gholamreza Fathifazl, Carleton University, The Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering

• Unwritten Laws and Principles of Concrete Mixture Design, by Marllon Cook, Oklahoma State University

INSTRUCTIONS: Study the materials included in this module. Then, complete and pass the corresponding 10-question quiz with a score of 80% or higher to receive a certificate for 0.15 CEU (equivalent to 1.5 PDH). This online course is not approved for credit with the Florida Construction Industry Licensing Board (CILB).

Continuing Education Credit: 0.15 CEU (1.5 PDH)

Approved AIA and ICC

Access Period: 30 days


This course will provide information on how to use ACI 211 mixture proportioning guidelines to meet project specifications. Case studies will be presented to demonstrate how challenging performance requirements can be achieved with innovative mixture proportioning techniques, that include optimizing aggregate gradation, using supplementary cementitious materials in ternary mixtures, and using recycled aggregates. In addition, the following topics will be discussed: 1) limitations on concrete performance caused by specifying cement content and supplementary cementitious material replacement level; 2) prescriptive versus performance-based specifications; 3) impact of optimizing aggregate gradation and improved particle packing on performance; and 4) impact of mixture proportioning parameters on the workability and durability.


Document Details

Author: Obla, Kozeliski, Fathifazl, Cook


Categories: Aggregates, Cementitious Materials, Design, Mixture Proportioning

Formats: Online Learning

Table of Contents

Learning objectives:

1. Explain the effects that different cement paste volumes in concrete mixtures have on the strength and permeability.

2. Describe how crushed aggregates are processed and graded into concrete mixtures that meets ASTM C33 requirements for concrete mixtures.

3. Discuss the steps required, including any advantages or disadvantages, for replacing natural aggregates in concrete mixtures with comparable recycled concrete aggregates.

4. Explain what properties of mixture proportioning cause deficient concrete slump, what causes segregation in concrete mixtures, and how to mitigate these problems.


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