ACI In Your Classroom

Integrate ACI into your classroom!

To support future leaders, ACI has launched several initiatives to engage students in the Institute’s activities and programs – select programs that may be of interest to Educators are:

  • Free student membership – encourage students to sign up
  • Student discounts - learn more at
  • Access to ACI Structural Journal and ACI Materials Journal – free to all ACI student members
  • ACI University Certificate Program – the ACI Certificate Program, delivered through ACI University, encourages concrete professionals to gain in-depth knowledge about particular topics in concrete materials, design, or construction by following a defined online course of study. Once a certificate program has been completed, the participant will receive a digital certificate from ACI. Read the CI Magazine article.
  • Student competitions – participate in ACI’s written and/or team-based competitions
  • Scholarships and fellowships – students who win awards are provided up to $15,000 and may be offered internships and paid travel to attend ACI’s conventions
  • Travel stipends – graduate students pursuing a master’s or doctor degree can apply to receive a $1,000 travel stipend to attend ACI’s conventions
  • ACI Student Chapter Award – receive local and international recognition for your University’s participation in concrete related activities
  • Free digital access to ACI’s practices – ACI student members receive free digital access to the Institute's practices, which contains 200+ Guides and Reports
  • ACI online recorded web sessions and continuing education programs – online learning tools ideal for use as quizzes or in-class study material
  • The Multi-Cultural Communication session – was sponsored by ACI Committee S802 Teaching Methods and Educational Materials. Faculty members share tools, tips, and resources for communicating with a diverse body of students.
  • On-Demand Course: Exploring the new ACI Reinforced Concrete Design Handbook MNL17(21) – The contents of this course include six recorded presentations. This Handbook is intended to provide assistance to professionals engaged in the design of reinforced concrete buildings and related structures and is neither a part of nor an official interpretation of the Code by ACI Committee 318.
  • On-Demand Course: Reinforced Concrete Detailing Manual Overview MNL66(20) – This course covers the history and evolution of MNL66(20) and explains the key components and latest updates to this latest version of the manual. Additionally, a few detailing examples will also be illustrated.
  • Using ACI 318 PLUS as a Teaching Tool – provides educators and students with a new digital-based platform that allows them to share digital notes and additional resources within one platform while teaching and learning with ACI CODE 318. Click here for further instruction on how to access ACI 318 PLUS.
  • Classroom Notes for 318 PLUS – ACI has produced notes sets for the 318 PLUS platform that can be customized for your class and shared with your students. Notes sets have been produced for Reinforced Concrete Design, Prestressed Concrete Design, and Advanced Concrete Design. The notes sets are available to ACI Faculty Network members free of charge. For more information, contact Mike Tholen.
  • Professors’ Resources for ACI/ASCC Contractor’s Guide to Quality Concrete Construction - The professor resources were compiled to support the use of MNL-5(19): Contractor's Guide to Quality Concrete Construction, 4th Edition in the classroom. These instructional materials provide 12 weeks of course content suitable to use when assembling your course syllabus.
  • Student Chapters – Chapters are a unique opportunity for students to engage with like-minded individuals, build connections with students from around the world, and support the mission of ACI. Faculty advisors encourage engagement in ACI through forming a student chapter with a minimum of 15 members.
  • SP-360: Proceedings of the 16th International Symposium on Fiber-Reinforced Polymer (FRP) Reinforcement for Concrete Structures - This Special Publication contains a total of 52 peer-reviewed technical manuscripts from 20 different countries from around the world. Papers are organized by 12 unique topics. (March 2024).
  • SP-359: Best Practices and Lessons Learned for Teaching Concrete Materials and Reinforced Concrete – The primary goal of this Special Publication is to provide pedagogical resources, ideas, and techniques that can be implemented by anyone that accepts the challenge of teaching reinforced concrete and concrete materials, from a new instructor to an experienced professor. (November 2023)
  • ACI Engineering Greatness Podcast - Hosted by the American Concrete Institute, each episode brings together pairs of young professionals in the concrete industry engaging for intimate conversations about their life and work. Get a glimpse into the field of civil engineering and construction management and what it takes to have a successful career in the concrete industry.
  • How to access ACI 318 PLUS - If you’ve requested a desk copy of ACI 318 PLUS and you are in the faculty network, then you can easily access a free, one-year subscription. To start your free subscription, log in on the ACI website and navigate to the ACI 318 PLUS page. Click on the “Subscribe to ACI 318 PLUS” button. Click here for step-by-step instructions.