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Live Webinars

ACI webinars are delivered by industry experts and feature popular concrete topics. The webinars and attendance certificates are administered through ACI University. They are also recorded for viewing at a later date. Both live and recorded versions offer continuing education credit.

Quantity discounts are now available and automatically applied in the ACI Store.

2024 Webinars

September 24: NEx Virtual Seminar: Structural Rehabilitation and Strengthening Using FRP Composites – Kent A. Harries, Tarek Alkhrdaji, Shreya Vemuganti, Hamid Saadatmanesh, Kevin Walsh, Arkadiusz Kwiecień, Enrique del Rey Castillo, Aniket Borwankar (10:00 am - 5:00 PM EDT)

October 1: Introducing the New ACI Code 323 - Low Carbon Concrete – Matt Adams (1:00 - 2:00 PM EDT)

October 16: NEx Virtual Seminar: Advancement in Polymer Utilization in 3D Printing Construction – Andrey Rudenko, Mahmoud Reda Taha, Amin Akhnoukh (10:00 AM - 5:00 PM EDT)

October 30: NEx Webinar: GFRP Wire Mesh as Internal Reinforcement for Slab On-Ground and No-Structural Applications – Egor Litvinov (1:00 - 2:00 PM EDT)
(Available for purchase soon)

November 12: Shrinkage-Compensating Concrete – Chris Ramseyer (1:00 - 2:00 PM EST)
(Available for purchase soon)

December 3: The Current State of Concrete Nondestructive Testing Capabilities – Katelyn Kosar (1:00 - 2:00 PM EST)
(Available for purchase soon)

Previously Recorded Webinars »
View Entire Online Course Catalog »


CEU (PDH) Requirements

To earn CEU (PDH) credit, individuals must purchase the webinar and attend the live webinar for the entire duration (or pass the quiz available after the webinar).

Detailed Webinar Instructions

Missed a Webinar?

All live webinars are recorded and made available for on-demand viewing. Each webinar course contains the recorded webinar, a PDF of the presentation, and a quiz for CEU (PDH) credit.

Visit: ACI Webinars to view a list of all previously recorded webinars.

2024 Topics:

ABCs of Carbon Neutral Concrete: LCAs, EPDs, and PCRs
Overview of Soil Stabilization Using Synthetic Organic Polymers
8 Tips to Avoid the Traps of Unethical Behavior
Application of “Low Cement + High Dosage Admixture” Concrete Mixtures
ACI CODE-369.1-22 and ASCE/SEI 41-23 Standards for Seismic Rehabilitation
Construction of Concrete Slabs-on-Ground: Parts 1 & 2
Non-Metallic Repair Strategies: Advances in Rehabilitation and Strengthening of Reinforced Concrete using Fiber Reinforced Cementitious Matrix (FRCM)
Insulating Concrete Form Design and Construction
Design of Concrete Slabs-on-Ground: Parts 1 & 2
Integrating FRP Meshes in Concrete Construction: Principles, Applications, and Guidelines
Chemical Admixtures for Sustainable Concrete Construction
Efficient Utilization of Non-Compliant Aggregate for Resilient Concrete Through Chemical Admixture
Concrete Chimneys and ACI—History and What’s New in ACI Code-307-23
Can Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) Help Detect Glass Fiber Reinforced Polymer (GFPR) Bars?
What’s New in Pervious Concrete: Highlights from ACI PRC-522-23
Guidelines for Using FRP Dowels in Concrete Pavement
Alkali-Activated Cements

ACI is now offering an all-access subscription to ACI University webinars and on-demand courses. This 12-month subscription includes all ACI monthly webinars and all of ACI’s 350+ on-demand courses.


ACI 318-19: Changes to the Concrete Design Standard

This on-demand e-learning course covers the major changes in the 2019 edition of ACI 318, “Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete (ACI 318-19) and Commentary.


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