History of ACI

Always advancing -- The American Concrete Institute is a leading global authority for the development, dissemination, and adoption of its consensus-based standards, technical resources, and educational, training, & certification programs. Founded in 1904, ACI is headquartered in Farmington Hills, Michigan, USA, with a regional office in Dubai, UAE, and resource centers in Southern California, Chicago/Midwest, and Mid Atlantic. ACI has over 94 chapters, 244 student chapters, and 35,000 members spanning over 120 countries.

The history of any organization is a reflection of the ideals and activities of individuals or organized groups within it, and their influence on the accomplishment of the established objective or its revision to meet changing conditions. So it has been with ACI and its antecedent, the National Association of Cement Users. This brief account attempts to point out significant developments that have guided the Institute to its present position. Space does not permit naming all the "greats" who have contributed so generously of time and effort to ACI work and progress of the industry.

The history of ACI is, of course, closely tied to the history of developments in concrete technology. This development is recorded as it occurred in the pages of the Institute's publications.

A detailed history of ACI and the concrete industry is available in the publication, ACI: A Century of Progress, which was prepared for the ACI Centennial in 2004 and is available for download as a pdf file.

List of Past ACI Presidents »

The Formative Years

Early in the 20th century, a competitive market with a serious lack of standard practice in making concrete block had resulted in unsatisfactory conditions. By the summer of 1904, Charles C. Brown, editor of Municipal Engineering, at the suggestion of A. S. J. Gammon of Norfolk, VA, and John P. Given of Circleville, OH, undertook the formation of an organization to discuss the problem and attempt to bring order to this rapidly expanding use of concrete. An editorial in the September 1904 issue of Municipal Engineering publicized the idea and requested suggestions of those interested as to the advisability of forming an association to promote these concrete-related issues.

The hearty response resulted in an informal meeting in October 1904 during the Engineering Congress at the Louisiana Purchase Exposition in St. Louis. The original suggestion was to form an association of manufacturers of concrete block machines to educate the users of such machines in the proper methods of making good block. After the informal meeting, the scope of the organization was extended to cover all the various uses of cement to bring about a better knowledge of the art.

In the ensuing months, this trio of enthusiasts was instrumental in arousing interest in a convention dealing with concrete problems. The convention was held in Indianapolis, IN, January 17-19, 1905. At that meeting, a society known as the National Association of Cement Users was organized with the adoption of a constitution and bylaws.

The objective of the new society, "to disseminate information and experience upon and to promote the best methods to be employed in the various uses of cement by means of conventions, the reading and discussion of papers upon materials of a cement nature and their uses, by social and friendly intercourse at such conventions, exhibitions, and study of materials, machinery, and methods, and to circulate among its members, by means of publications, the information thus obtained," was not materially different from the present aims of ACI.

ACI Emerges

On July 2, 1913, as a result of action of the Board of Direction of the National Association of Cement Users, the name of the society was changed to the American Concrete Institute. The objectives of the organization were unchanged, the new name being considered more descriptive of the breadth of its aims and interests.

President Richard L. Humphrey in 1915 thus summarized the progress of the organization in the first 10 years of its life:

The past decade has probably been the most critical in the history of the cement industry and there is no member capable of fully realizing the vital importance of the part this Institute has played in its development. Its educational work, its conventions, its expositions, and particularly its committee work in preparing recommended practices and standard specifications have guided the use of cement along safe and practical lines and assured the permanency of the construction in which this material is used.

Although this organization has produced more than 18 standards and recommended practices, its work has only just begun. The existing standards must be revised, new ones developed, and there never was so much need for work of this character as at the present time.

By 1919, the work of the Institute reached a point where it became necessary to engage a "staff." At its November 1919 meeting, the Board of Direction appointed Harvey Whipple Secretary of the Institute. At that time, Whipple was editor of the magazine Concrete Cement Age, and accepted the position of secretary in addition to his duties on the magazine. His ACI responsibilities grew into a full-time position in a few years, and he continued as the principal staff member until his retirement in 1952. In his 32 years with the Institute, he came to be considered "Mr. ACI."

Journal Introduced

By 1929, it was evident that the annual Institute conventions and annual volume of Proceedings were not adequate to present the vast amount of research data and field information becoming available. Thus, to increase its output of technical information, ACI began publication of the Journal of the American Concrete Institute.

In its first 25 years, the American Concrete Institute, including its predecessor, the National Association of Cement Users, was identified directly or indirectly with most of the research work that had been carried on in the field of concrete. The usefulness of committee contributions was possibly no more evident than in the acceptance of various ACI Building Codes. By the end of 1931, many municipalities and organizations had adopted, either in full or part, one of the Institute Codes (editions of 1925, 1927, or 1928), or permitted designs based on them.

Committee Work & the Formation of TAC

Committee effort has always been a mainstay of Institute activity. The volunteer efforts of members have produced standards, recommended practices, design handbooks, codes, and reports in every important area of concrete technology.

In 1947, to provide better control of Institute technical affairs, the Technical Activities Committee (TAC), which has responsibility for the technical content of Institute convention programs and for its technical publications, was formed. By 1954, the volume of committee work had become so large that staff expansion to assist this vital work became necessary.


The Institute's publications program has been the major avenue of information exchange. From 1905 to 1929, the Proceedings were published annually following the convention. As the volume of papers grew, the annual publication gave way to periodic publication in the JOURNAL. Continued rapid growth of concrete technical literature led to the establishment of a series of symposia of related papers in 1963.

In 1968, the size and content of the JOURNAL were changed to reflect the expanded needs of the Institute's members. As a result, the JOURNAL started to feature practical articles and expanded member news coverage.

Starting in 1979, the Institute published a second monthly periodical, the magazine Concrete International. As a result of ever-expanding membership requirements, the JOURNAL, as it was known until 1979, was split into two parts. The Proceedings section of the old JOURNAL became the major part of the archival new JOURNAL. The new magazine carried timely and practical information. In 1987, the archival JOURNAL was divided into the ACI Structural Journal and the ACI Materials Journal.

Committee reports and standards have played a major part in the Institute's role as information disseminator. Reprinting of individual standards and reports following their appearance in one of the periodicals has long been a means of accomplishing this task. In about 1945, a compilation of Institute standards was published for the first time. In 1967, the Book of Standards became the ACI Manual of Concrete Practice, which includes the most current Institute committee reports as well as standards.

A series of special publications began in 1928 with, appropriately enough, the Concrete Primer by Franklin R. McMillan (later revised by Lewis H. Tuthill in 1973 and by Bryant Mather and Celik Ozyildirim in 2002). Added to this were the Inspection Manual, Reinforced Concrete Design Handbook, and Formwork for Concrete. A rapid expansion of the "SP" series came about through the development of symposium volumes, which include a number of papers on specialized topics from convention sessions developed by ACI technical committees or from special conferences.

ACI publications have long been one of the basic sources of concrete technology and information throughout the world, and have been the measure of the Institute's vital role in this valuable segment of the construction industry. The Institute's publications have been the major avenue of member-to-member contact and information exchange.

ACI Publishing Milestones

Some of the publishing "milestones" have been:

1905-First Proceedings volume (reported on first convention)
1906-First committee reports appeared in Proceedings V. 2
1907-First standards adopted in Proceedings V. 3
1910-First "building code"
1913-First "journal" appeared; publication ended in 1915
1920-First newsletter
1928-First Concrete Primer, SP-1
1929-ACI Journal introduced
1929-First publications committee formed
1939-First design handbook, SP-3
1941-First Building Code with "ACI 318" title
1941-First Inspection Manual, SP-2
1945-First Book of Standards (six standards)
1947-First Detailing Manual
1947-First cumulative index (1937-1947)
1949-Journal available on microfilm
1950-20-Year Index (1929-1949)
1955-First bibliography
1960-55-Year Index (1905-1959)
1962-First separate symposium volume
1963-First edition of Formwork for Concrete
1964-First monograph
1965-First Building Code Commentary
1967-First Manual of Concrete Practice (17 standards, 23 reports)
1967-First "ultimate strength" design handbook, SP-17
1973-Concrete Abstracts acquired by ACI
1978-Microfiche editions of periodicals available (suspended in 1993)
1979-Concrete International introduced
1982-Craftsman Series introduced
1987-Journal divided into ACI Structural Journal and ACI Materials Journal
1993-ACI Manual of Concrete Practice introduced on CD-ROM
1996-Toolbox Meeting Flyers introduced
1996-First Practitioner's Guide
1998-First Innovation Task Group standard
1999-First Concrete Repair Manual
1999-Documents available for download from ACI website
2000-Concrete International on-line
2001-First Emerging Technology Series document
2002-First document in the International Publication Series
2004-ACI Centennial - ACI Celebrates 100 Years
2013-First ACI Concrete Repair Code
2014-ACI 318 Building Code completely reorganized


Since January 1905, ACI has held at least one regular meeting per year.

In 1947, a second, smaller regular meeting was added. This smaller meeting planned to serve the members in a small regional area most distant from the annual convention of that year. By 1962, the small and regional character of these meetings had disappeared.

Today, full-scale conventions of the Institute each year provide members with the opportunity for valuable face-to-face contact. Most Institute committees meet during one or both of these conventions.

Permanent Quarters

In the fall of 1955, an important step affecting the future of the Institute was taken when the Board of Direction approved the purchase of a site for an ACI headquarters building in northwest Detroit, MI. The building was completed in 1958, and for the first time in 53 years, the Institute had permanent quarters of its own.

The expansion of ACI activities over the next four decades, despite several building expansions, crowded the original headquarters beyond capacity and the search for a new location for the Institute began. In 1989, the Board authorized the purchase of land in a Detroit suburb as the site of a new and expanded headquarters facility. In the fall of 1991, ACI launched a Capital Campaign to raise funds for the new facility through voluntary contributions. Construction of the 47,000 ft2 building, located on a five-acre tract in Farmington Hills, MI, began in 1995, and staff moved to the new location in April 1996.


In 1958, a new direction of ACI activities was originated by a group of members in southern California who proposed the formation of a local chapter, the first in Institute history. The stated objectives of the southern California group were to stimulate participation and interest in the programs of ACI, including educating local authorities and organizations on the value of referencing the ACI Building Code in the concrete portions of their local building codes. The chapter was envisioned as a liaison agency and as a clearinghouse for information. Local discussion meetings and expanded local committee work were foreseen as other possibilities. All of this came to pass in California and quickly expanded to many other regions of the U.S., and then throughout the world.

New chapters are being formed all the time, especially international chapters, as ACI's international reputation grows. In addition, in 1982, the formation of student chapters was authorized and there are now over 110 student chapters.

International Activity

From its earliest days, ACI has been active internationally, principally through the exchange of speakers at conventions and meetings. The first ACI convention outside the U.S. was in Montreal in 1956, and ACI has met in Canada and Mexico numerous times since.

In 1958, formal contacts with the Comité Euro International du Béton (CEB) resulted in an invitation to send observers to the meeting of CEB in Vienna in April 1959. This was a high-level conference of representatives from most of Western Europe. Its purpose was the pooling of research reports and research efforts as the first move in the direction of a unified basis for building codes in the respective countries. The coordination and cooperation between ACI and CEB has continued to grow as CEB joined with FIP to form fib. Cooperation and liaison with groups all over the world has been a continuing function of ACI.

ACI's international efforts have resulted in an exchange of information, translation of ACI publications, and the formation of ACI chapters and International Partner Agreements. As of 2016, 30 partnerships have been established. The program is designed to create more formal relationships between ACI and other concrete-related organizations located in countries outside the U.S.

Annually, the Institute conducts or cosponsors various symposia and conferences on an international level. This expansion of international activities by ACI reflects the fact that over 20% of the Institute's members come from outside the U.S.

ACI served as the secretariat of ISO/TC 71 on Concrete, reinforced concrete, and prestressed concrete from 1992 through 2020. Currently, ACI leads US technical participation at ISO/TC 71 as the US technical advisory group administrator. ISO/TC 71 is a standards committee of the International Standards Organization (ISO).


Educational activities have been a major part of ACI's work. In 1968, the Institute established the staff position of Director of Education (now Managing Director of Engineering & Professional Development) to further this goal. The Board of Direction then created the Educational Activities Committee (EAC) in 1970 to oversee the Institute's educational programs and products. This committee is related to ACI's educational functions as the Technical Activities Committee (TAC) is to technical programs.

ACI offers online professional education that provides continuing education credit through ACI University. ACI membership now includes annual subscriptions that allow free access to all ACI University webinars and on-demand courses, plus unlimited access to the Institute’s 200+ practices (including all ACI guides and reports) and symposium volumes.


The ACI Certification Committee was formed in 1980 to oversee the Institute's programs for training and certifying experienced concrete personnel. The first program, Concrete Field Testing Technician-Grade I, was implemented in 1983. Many other programs for technicians, inspectors, and craftsmen have since been implemented by the Institute.

In 1991, the Certification Committee was given Board Committee status and its name was changed to the Certification Programs Committee (CPC). The work of the Certification Programs Committee has resulted in publication of a growing number of instructional manuals, videotapes, and examinations. Furthermore, the committee has expanded to include ten subcommittees with over 100 individual members.

Since 1983, ACI has administered over 725,000 examinations to concrete technicians, inspectors, and craftsmen. ACI currently offers more than 30 certification programs and has over 120,000 active certifications in 77 countries.


In 1984, ACI expanded its role in concrete research by establishing the Concrete Materials Research Council. In 1991, the name of the Council was changed to the Concrete Research Council and the mission was expanded to include research of concrete construction and structures, in addition to concrete materials. The Council promotes the advancement of knowledge about concrete materials, construction, and structures by soliciting and selecting research proposals, funding assistance, guiding the research, and publishing results, all in coordination with ACI technical committees.

The Council is composed of individual members selected for their ability to contribute to its objectives. Today, the Council operates under the ACI Foundation.

ACI Foundation

ACI established the ACI Foundation in 1989 as part of its commitment to support students’ education, research, and innovation throughout the concrete industry. ACI Foundation is a not-for-profit 501(c)(3) organization. The Foundation supports a wide range of research and educational initiatives that contribute to keeping the concrete industry at the forefront of technological advances in material composition, design, and construction.

To support these initiatives, ACI Foundation oversees three councils: the Concrete Research Council (CRC), the Scholarship Council (SC), and the Concrete Innovation Council (CIC). Committee members are instrumental to the educational, research, scientific, and charitable goals of the Foundation.

To cultivate an environment of philanthropy, the ACI Foundation engages industry partners, invests in students and research, shares knowledge, and provides programs for professional development and personal growth.

Through the generosity of our supporters, the Foundation can continue its mission to build a stronger industry and meet the challenges of the future. Learn how to make an impact.

Advancing Organizational Excellence (AOE)

Formed in January 2018 as a subsidiary of ACI, AOE is the combination of the Creative Association Management and Constructive Communication, Inc., teams. The AOE team has decades of experience serving associations and companies in technical industries, specializing in association management, marketing, event planning, training, education, and public relations. Learn more at www.aoeteam.com.

Digital Subscriptions

The ACI Collection of Concrete Codes, Specifications, and Practices online subscription is the most comprehensive and largest single source of information on concrete design, construction, and materials. It also uses sophisticated search and retrieval software to instantly access the most comprehensive set of documents available on concrete technology.


    • 50 codes and specifications plus 200+ practices (including all guides and reports)
    • Always updated — new titles as they are published
    • IN-LB and SI Unit codes, specifications, and practices
    • Historical codes and specifications
    • Title or full text search using single words or phrases

ACI 318 PLUS is an annual subscription that provides users with convenient digital interactive access to ACI CODE-318-19 along with in-document access to related resources, robust digital notetaking, and enhanced search.

ACI 318 PLUS also includes full digital interactive access to the ACI Detailing Manual and the ACI Reinforced Concrete Design Handbook, with functionality allowing subscribers to make digital notes alongside ACI CODE-318‐19 provisions and commentary, as well as the Detailing Manual and Design Handbook.

The digital notetaking functionality allows subscribers to create up to ten unique sets of notes for potential sharing with other ACI 318 PLUS users.

The ACI Concrete Repair Subscription includes digital access to the American Concrete Institute’s technical and education content on concrete assessment, repair, rehabilitation, and more. Subscribe to receive twelve months of access to ACI’s 200+ repair-specific code requirements/commentary, specifications, guides, reports, symposium volumes, and ACI University on-demand courses – plus all new concrete repair content as it is developed/published.

ACI University All-Access Digital Subscription is a global online learning resource that offers on-demand access to a wide range of topics related to concrete materials, design, construction, and repair. This 12-month subscription provides comprehensive educational opportunities by including all ACI monthly webinars and granting access to over 350 on-demand courses.

Symposium Volumes Subscription is an online subscription that offers unlimited access to both new and archived papers from all ACI Symposium Publications. Subscribers benefit from 12 months of PDF access to over 6,000 papers published since 1962, along with the ability to search by date, topic, and author. This subscription ensures that users stay up to date with the latest research and developments in the concrete industry.


The Institute is at the highest level of activity in its history, and predicts an even higher level of future participation by ACI members in effectively contributing to better knowledge of concrete. ACI will continue as an expanding, alert, and informed organization prepared to stimulate imaginative applications of concrete and better knowledge of its properties and uses, and will take an increasingly active part in solving problems affecting the public welfare.

The years since the first convention in 1905 in Indianapolis have seen the Institute gather the materials for the foundations of good practice in design, construction, and manufacturing. By maintaining a high standard of professional and technical ability in its committee memberships and in the authorship of papers, ACI has contributed to a detailed knowledge of concrete and its wide acceptance. ACI's stature as a technical organization has resulted from the cooperation of a host of members in administrative affairs, service on technical committees, and individual efforts in the preparation of technical papers.

The objectives set down by the founders of ACI point the way to continued technical advancement and service to the engineering profession, the needs of a broad spectrum of membership, and the public interest.