Explore this area of the website to learn about the numerous resources and programs ACI offers for Engineers and Designers.

Technical Documents
ACI is the leading resource on concrete technical documents. Visit the Store and the International Concrete Abstracts Portal for a large selection of ACI committee documents, Symposium Papers, and Journal articles dating as far back as the early 1900s.
Continuing Education - CEU / PDH
Engineers will find ACI educational offerings very useful for learning about code and specification developments, learning about emerging technologies, and staying current with professional development requirements.
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ACI Membership
With 35,000 members in more than 100 countries, ACI is the premier, global community dedicated to the best use of concrete. With enhanced benefits, ACI membership provides information on engineering and construction practices worldwide and provides you with the chance to save time and money while increasing your productivity and competitiveness. ACI members have free access to all ACI University webinars and on-demand courses, plus unlimited access to the Institute’s 200+ practices (including all ACI guides and reports) and symposium volumes. Learn about all the membership options and benefits.
Technical Committees
Join an ACI Technical Committee and keep on the edge of innovation. Review the Committee Directory to find committees of interest and then join using the online application.
ACI Career Center
ACI's Career Center is specifically targeted to the concrete industry and brings together great job opportunities and great candidates.
ACI 318 Building Code Portal
The ACI 318 Building Code Portal includes ACI’s many resources on ACI 318, including technical articles, news items, related products, transition keys, and language options.
ACI 562 Concrete Repair Portal
The ACI 562 Concrete Repair Portal showcases ACI’s many resources on concrete repair, including informational videos, free on-demand presentations on the new code requirements, recent industry articles on concrete repair, and more.
Join A Committee
Top reasons to join a committee:
- Increase your knowledge in areas of interest to you;
- Network with peers and industry leaders with similar interests;
- Increase value to your employer; and
- Share your knowledge and expertise.
Learn More About ACI Committees and How to Join Now »