Certification Programs

Concrete Construction Special Inspector

A Concrete Construction Special Inspector is a person qualified to inspect and record the results of concrete construction inspection based on codes and job specifications. The program covers inspection during preplacement, placement, and post-placement operations.

An Associate Concrete Construction Special Inspector is a person who is knowledgeable about inspection procedures for concrete construction, including preplacement, placement, and post-placement operations; but does not have the experience required to qualify as an ACI Concrete Construction Special Inspector.

Scope and Knowledge:

This program requires demonstration of the knowledge covered on the Job Task Analysis (JTA):

JTA for ACI Concrete Construction Special Inspector Certification

The JTA is a detailed list of specific points of knowledge that may be included in the examinations for this ACI Certification program. ACI urges candidates to use the JTA to prepare for the certification exams.

Certification Requirements:
For Concrete Construction Special Inspector:

ACI will grant certification only to those applicants who:

  1. Obtain a passing grade on the written examination; and
  2. Obtain a passing grade on the plans reading (blueprint reading) examination; and
  3. Fulfill the requirements in ACI Concrete Field Testing Technician—Grade I as follows:
    • Be currently certified as an ACI Concrete Field Testing Technician—Grade I
    • OR
    • Have been certified as an ACI Concrete Field Testing Technician—Grade I at one time
    • AND
    • Pass the current ACI Concrete Field Testing Technician—Grade I written exam within one year of passing the Inspector exam*.
  4. Possess at least one of the following qualifications:
    • A B.S. degree in Civil Engineering, Civil Engineering Technology, Engineering Technology, Construction Engineering or Construction Engineering Technology from a program accredited by ABET (aka Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology), including courses in concrete materials, design or construction), PLUS six months satisfactory work experience; or
    • A B.S. degree in an engineering program PLUS one year of satisfactory work experience; or
    • A minimum of two years of college or technical school, earning at least 60 credit hours, PLUS two years of satisfactory work experience; or
    • A high school diploma, or equivalent, PLUS a minimum of three years of satisfactory work experience; or
    • Five years of satisfactory work experience.

*Note: If the written exam and plans-reading exam are passed on separate dates, the one year period for passing the ACI Concrete Field Testing Technician—Grade I written exam begins on the date of the first exam passed.

The work experience must include:

  • Decision-making authority and responsibility;
  • Verification of compliance with plans, specifications, and codes;
  • Evaluation of concrete construction in the field;
  • Documentation and reporting of inspection results; and
  • Proficiency in appropriate areas of concrete construction inspection.

Verification of the amount and range of work experience by the applicant's employer(s) is required. The three-hour written inspection examination is open-book and consists of approximately 80 multiple-choice questions. The one-hour plans reading examination consists of approximately 20 questions and is designed to test the examinee's ability to read and understand engineering drawings. The minimum passing grade for each examination is 70%.

Certification is valid for a period of five years from the date of successfully completing all requirements.

Recertification requires fulfillment of the Field Testing Technician requirements and successful completion of the inspection and plans reading examinations.

For Associate Concrete Construction Special Inspector:

ACI will grant certification to those applicants who meet the Field Testing Technician requirements and pass both written examinations. Individuals with Associate certification can upgrade to full Inspector status upon submittal and approval of sufficient education/work experience.

Certification is valid for a period of five years from the date of successfully completing all requirements.

Recertification requires fulfillment of the Field Testing Technician requirements and successful completion of the inspection and plans reading examinations.

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Study Material:
Go to the ACI Bookstore on this website to order and/or obtain current pricing on any items listed below*:

CP–21: Construction Inspector Reference Package (Inch-Pound Units)

This package contains all of the resource materials needed to properly prepare for certification as an ACI Concrete Construction Inspector. The ring binder contains the following materials: Inspector Workbook (includes program information, study aids, work experience forms and instructions); reprints of ACI and ICC documents (including ACI's Manual of Concrete Inspection, MNL–2 and ICC's IBC); and CRSI's Manual of Standard Practice.

*Due to the high cost of maintaining inventory of this item, ACI cannot guarantee availability of large orders without advance notice. Please call an ACI representative at (248) 848-3800 for availability.

On-Demand Course: Concrete Construction Special Inspector Certification Training