On-Demand Course: Constructability Series: Structural System Concept Design (2-part series)

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Part 1:

INSTRUCTIONS: View the recorded webinar. Complete 10-question quiz with a score of 80% or higher to receive a certificate for 0.15 CEU (equivalent to 1.5 PDH).

Continuing Education Credit: 0.15 CEU (1.5 PDH)

Approved AIA and ICC

Access Period: 60 days

Part 2:

INSTRUCTIONS: View the recorded webinar. Complete 10-question quiz with a score of 80% or higher to receive a certificate for 0.10 CEU (equivalent to 1.0 PDH).

Continuing Education Credit: 0.10 CEU (1.0 PDH)

Approved AIA and ICC

Access Period: 60 days


This is a recorded webinar from September 27 & 29, 2022.

Part 1: Constructability Series: Structural System Concept Design

This session for the Constructability Certificate Program will present strategies for optimizing the constructability of entire reinforced concrete structural systems. Designing concrete buildings requires the selection of gravity and lateral force-resisting systems that, in addition to safely supporting anticipated loads, have significant constructability consequences. Structural systems include floors, walls, columns, and foundations. The design of each element plays a role in determining construction productivity, cost, and schedule. This presentation will discuss the different framing systems commonly used in structural concrete buildings and the constructability considerations for each. Numerous examples of actual projects will be used to illustrate key points.

Part 2: Constructability Series: Structural System Concept Design

This session for the Constructability Certificate Program will present strategies for minimizing the constructability impacts of other design professionals on the structure. Architectural, mechanical, electrical, fire protection and other designers must coordinate their work in, around, and through the structural frame, requiring careful coordination by all parties. Examples include floor, beam, and wall penetrations; in-slab conduit, plumbing, and ductwork; rooftop equipment and appurtenances; and cladding system attachments and loading. How and when to resolve potential conflicts between other building systems and maintain constructability of the structural frame in the process will be discussed. Numerous examples of actual projects will be used to illustrate key points.


Document Details

Author: Cary Kopczynski

Publication Year: 2022


Categories: Codes, Construction Practices, Design, Foundations, Walls

Formats: Online Learning

Table of Contents

Learning Objectives:

Part 1:

1. Discuss different structural systems commonly used, including floor framing types, lateral force resisting elements, column configurations and layout, foundations, and other miscellaneous items.

2. Explain how the selection, design, and detailing of a structural system and its components significantly impact the field productivity, cost, and schedule of a building’s construction.

3. Identify serviceability considerations and constructability consequences in the design of structural systems, including deflection and vibration limits, allowable building drift, and perceptible motion.

4. Discuss unique considerations such as when buildings are modified and/or repurposed, potentially changing gravity and lateral loads from the original design.

Part 2:

1. Describe how the work of other design professionals can impact the structural design and affect the selection of structural systems and elements.

2. Explain how integration of the work of different trades in a building, such as HVAC, electrical, and plumbing, can impact structural constructability in both positive and negative ways.

3. Explain how a well-managed process for resolving conflicts during design helps maintain constructability of all systems.

4. Discuss how concrete construction tolerances impact architectural and other systems, and affect constructability and field productivity.


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