On-Demand Course: Guide to ACI 562-16 Repair Code: Design Examples

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INSTRUCTIONS: View the recorded webinars. Complete the 10-question quiz for each module with a score of 80% or higher to receive a certificate for 0.2 CEU (2.0 PDH) for each of the three modules.

Total Continuing Education Credit: 0.6 CEU (6.0 PDH)

Approved by AIA and ICC

Access Period: 90 days


This is a recorded webinar series from September 27 - 29, 2016.

This three-part webinar series will review the design examples presented in “Guide to the Code for Assessment, Repair, and Rehabilitation of Existing Concrete Structures.” Each recorded webinar will discuss an example from the guide. Speaker(s) will review the process behind the design example and how to use the ACI 562 repair code.


Document Details

Author: Kesner, Tumialan, Brewe, Gatto, Gueorguiev, Martin

Publication Year: 2016


Categories: Repair

Formats: Online Learning

Table of Contents

Learning objectives:

Overview of Guide to Use of ACI 562

1. Recognize that ACI 562 Repair Code includes both prescriptive and performance requirements.

2. Describe the process to determine which ACI code governs the evaluation, repair, and rehabilitation of an existing concrete structure.

3. Summarize how to find the correct set of load factors and strength reduction factors for design.

4. Discuss evaluation and analysis options available.

Worked Example One: Typical Parking Garage Repair

1. Explain how the requirements of ACI 562 are used in a parking garage repair example to satisfy the code provisions.

2. Compare and contrast the two repair options for the parking garage.

3. Summarize the role of the licensed design professional (LDP) in the construction phase of the repair.

4. Discuss the quality assurance and quality control measures in place for material approvals and field verification of quality.

Worked Example Two: Typical Façade Repair

1. Explain how the requirements of ACI 562 are used in a façade repair example to satisfy the code provisions.

2. Discuss the methods of visual observation and tactile inspection used to assess the condition of the façade.

3. Outline the three considered approach options for repairing the shear wall reveal strips.

4. Give examples of what the licensed design professional (LDP) included in the contract documents for this repair project.

Worked Example Three: Adaptive Reuse of Historic Depot

1. Explain how the requirements of ACI 562 are used in an adaptive reuse project to satisfy the code provisions.

2. Discuss the observations and evaluation performed to assess the concrete conditions of the train deck.

3. Describe the four alternative approaches proposed for rehabilitation of the columns.

4. Identify the periodic maintenance requirements for this project.

Worked Example Four: Parking/Plaza Slab Strengthening

1. Explain how the requirements of ACI 562 are used in a parking/plaza slab strengthening project to satisfy the code provisions.

2. Examine the structural repair design details, including: column capitals, supplemental drop panels, CFRP strips, epoxy crack injections, and elastomeric coating.

3. Compare the two strengthening options for this parking/plaza slab project.

4. Explain the selection of the load test procedure (ACI 437) and the test setup.

Worked Example Five: Precast/Prestressed Double-Tee Repair

1. Explain how the requirements of ACI 562 are used in a precast/prestressed double-tee repair project to satisfy the code provisions.

2. Describe the investigative process from a preliminary evaluation leading to a structural evaluation per ACI 562, Section 6.1.3.

3. Compare the four repair/replacement options considered for the precast/prestressed double-tee repair project.

4. Discuss the strength analysis of existing members.


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