SP-341 Structural Performance of Concrete Columns Incorporating Advanced Materials and Structural Systems

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ACI Committees 441 – Reinforced Concrete Columns and 341A – Earthquake-Resistant Concrete Bridge Columns, Mohamed A. ElGawady




Columns are crucial structural elements in buildings and bridges. This Special Publication of the American Concrete Institute Committees 441 (Reinforced Concrete Columns) and 341A (Earthquake-Resistant Concrete Bridge Columns) presents the state-of-the-art on the structural performance of innovative bridge columns. The performance of columns incorporating high-performance materials such as ultra-high-performance concrete (UHPC), engineered cementitious composite (ECC), high-strength concrete, high-strength steel, and shape memory alloys is presented in this document. These materials are used in combination with conventional or advanced construction systems, such as using grouted rebar couplers, multi-hinge, and cross spirals. Such a combination improves the resiliency of reinforced concrete columns against natural and man-made disasters such as earthquakes and blast.




Document Details

Pages: 247

ISBN: 9781641951050

Categories: Bridges, Cementitious Materials, Materials

Formats: Protected PDF/Web View

Table of Contents


Behavior of High-Strength Concrete and Normal-Strength Concrete Columns under Blast Loading 1-26

Authors: Amer Hammoud and Hassan Aoude


Combined use of UHPC and High-Performance Steel to Improve the Blast Performance of Columns with Square Cross-section 27-47

Authors: Sarah De Carufel and Hassan Aoude


Parameters Affecting the Axial Load Response of Ultra High Performance Concrete (UHPC) Columns 48-70

Authors: Hyun-Oh Shin, Hassan Aoude and Denis Mitchell


Comparative Structural Response of UHPC and Normal Strength Concrete Columns under Combined Axial and Lateral Cyclic Loading 71-96

Authors: Mahmoud Aboukifa, Mohamed A. Moustafa and Ahmad Itani


Cyclic Behavior of a Reinforced Concrete Column with Unstressed Seven-Wire Steel Strands as Longitudinal Reinforcement 97-104

Authors: Yu-Chen Ou, Samuel Y.L.Yin, Yi-Qing Liu, and Jui-Chen Wang


Analysis and Design of NiTi Superelastic SMA-Reinforced ECC Bridge Columns 105-130

Authors: Mostafa Tazarv and M. Saiid Saiidi


Seismic Fragility Assessment of Shape Memory Alloy Reinforced Concrete Bridge Piers under Long Duration and Near-Fault Ground Motions 131-159

Authors: Maher AL-Hawarneh, AHM Muntasir Billah, and M. Shahria Alam


Experimental Investigation on Mechanical Properties of Titanium Alloy Bars: Comparison with High-Strength Steel 160-187

Authors: Ruchin Khadka, Mustafa Mashal, and Jared Cantrell


Seismic Behavior of Bridge Precast Columns with Grouted Rebar Couplers 188-201

Authors: Arya Ebrahimpour and Barbara Earles


Using Multi-“Hinge” Hierarchical Activation to Improve Structural Robustness 202-225

Authors: Royce Liu and Alessandro Palermo


Using Cross Spirals in Confining High Strength Concrete Columns for More SeismicResiliency: A Review 226-239

Authors: Ahmed Ibrahim, Sabreena Nasrin, and Riyadh Hindi


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