SP-304 Sustainable Performance of Concrete Bridges and Elements Subjected to Aggressive Environments: Monitoring, Evaluation, and Rehabilitation

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Editors: Yail J. Kim, Baolin Wan, Isamu Yoshitake


Since the major milestones of sustainability, such as the Hannover Principle in 1991 and the Kyoto Protocol in 1997, the concept of sustainability has been broadly adopted by various disciplines. New construction consumes considerable amounts of energy and materials, and CO2 emission in 2020 is expected to increase by 100%, compared with that of today. Technical communities are responsible for improving the sustainability of the built-environment by using more durable and highly efficient materials to reduce the need for replacement, maintenance, or repair. When subjected to aggressive environments, the performance of constructed concrete bridges and their elements is of interest from socioeconomic perspectives. Advances in a variety of aspects are required to achieve such a goal, including the durability of concrete members, performance monitoring technologies, evaluation methodologies, damage assessment, and structural rehabilitation. This Special Publication (SP) includes 10 papers selected from the three special sessions held at the ACI Fall convention in Washington, DC, October 2014. Each submitted manuscript has been rigorously reviewed and evaluated by at least two experts. The editors wish to thank all contributing authors and anonymous reviewers for their endeavors.


Document Details

Publication Year: 2015

Pages: 170

ISBN: 9781942727477

Categories: Sustainability

Formats: PDF

Table of Contents


Response Surface Metamodel-based Performance Reliability Reinforced for Concrete Beams Strengthened with FRP sheets

Authors: Junwon Seo, Yail J. Kim, and Shadi Zandyavari


Reducing Deck Cracking in Composite Bridges by Controlling Long Term Properties

Authors: Fatmir Menkulasi, Doug Nelson, Carin L. Roberts Wollmann, and Thomas E. Cousins


Monitoring of the 205-ft long Pretensioned Precast Super Girders of the Alaskan Way Viaduct, Seattle, WA

Authors: Sameh S. Badie, David Chapman, Anthony Mizumori, Yu Jiang, Stephen J. Seguirant, and Bijan Khaleghi


Using GFRP Reinforcing as a cost effective solution to extending the service life of bridge decks: A case study of the Kansas Department of Transportation I-635 Bridges over State Ave in Kansas City, KS

Authors: Ryan Koch and Jon Karst


Analytical Modeling of Reinforced Concrete Beams Strengthened with Mechanically Fastened Fiber-reinforced Polymers (MF-FRP)

Authors: Gordon Salisbury and Vicki Brown


Use of Self-consolidating Concrete and High Volume Fly Ash Concrete in Missouri Bridge A7957

Authors: Eli S. Hernandez and John J. Myers


Managing ASR and DEF in Concrete Bridge Columns

Author: Mark E. Williams


Assessment of Early Corrosion in Prestressed Concrete Based on Open-Circuit Potential and Polarization Resistance

Authors: William Vélez and Fabio Matta


The Role of Shrinkage Strains Causing Early-Age Cracking in Cast-in-Place Concrete Bridge Decks

Authors: Tayyebeh Mohammadi, Baolin Wan and Christopher M. Foley


Finite Element Modeling of RC Beams Strengthened with Prestressed NSM CFRP Strips Subjected to Severe Environmental Conditions

Authors: Hamid Y. Omran and Raafat El-Hacha


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