SP-289: Twelfth International Conference on Recent Advances in Concrete Technology and Sustainability Issues CD

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Note: The individual papers are also available as .pdf downloads. Please click on the previous link to view the papers available, or call 248.848.3800 to order.

Editors: Terence C. Holland, Pawan R. Gupta, V.M. Malhotra


This CD contains the proceedings from the Twelfth International Conference on Recent Advances in Concrete Technology and Sustainability Issues held in Prague, Czech Republic, in October 2012. The 34 papers include Advances in Geological CO2 Sequestration and Co-Sequestration with O2; Self-Compacting High-Performance Concretes; Dynamic Performance of Eco-Friendly Prestressed Concrete Sleeper; Parameters Influencing the Performance of Shrinkage-Compensating Concrete, and much more.


Document Details

Publication Year: 2012

ISBN: 9780870317804

Categories: Concrete Technology

Formats: PDF

Table of Contents



Advances in Geological

CO2 Sequestration and Co-Sequestration with O2

by Circe A. Verba, William K. O’Connor, and Jason H. Ideker


Self-Compacting High-Performance Concretes

by Mario Collepardi, Roberto Troli, and Stefano Maringoni


Dynamic Performance of Eco-Friendly Prestressed Concrete Sleeper

by Tae-Hoon Koh, Young-Hoon Bae, Seon-Keun Hwang, and Myung Sagong


Parameters Influencing the Performance of Shrinkage-Compensating Concrete

by Cataldo Matteo Corcella, Cristiano Cereda, Salvatore Tavano, Fulvio Canonico, and Daniela Gastaldi


Bond Behavior between NSM FRP Rods and Concrete: Experimental and Numerical Investigation

by Aniello Palmieri, Stijn Matthys, and Luc Taerwe


Performance of Structures Made with Synthetic Structural Fiber-Reinforced Concrete

by V. Ramakrishnan


Development and Use of New Generation Grinding Aids to Reduce

CO2 Emissions and Optimize the Clinker Factor

by Joseph J. Assaad and Salim E. Asseily


Design of Appropriately Constructed Facilities to Cope with Global Warming

by theodore W. Bremner


Aggregates from Residual Concrete

by Giorgio Ferrari, Alberto Brocchi, Fiorenza Cella, Maria Chiara Dalconi, and Federico Longhi


Effect of Steel Fiber Tensile Strength on Mechanical Properties of Steel Fiber Reinforced Concretes

by Fuat Köksal, Yusa Sahin, and Murat Sahin


Fiber Reinforced High Performance Concrete for Special Applications

by Halina Szklorzová, Radek Holesinský, Josef Krátký, Jan Krestan, Stanislav Rolc, and Lenka Smetanová


Reliability-Based Life Cycle Assessment of Green Concrete Structures

by Tonatiuh Rodriguez-Nikl, Joshua W. Christiansen, and Kelli Walters

Introduction 160


Solutions to Support More Sustainable Construction Practices

by Bruce J. Christensen and Christian Huebsch

Introduction 174


Conclusions from Blast Resistance Field Tests of FRC and RC Specimens

by Marek Foglar, Martin Kovar, and Alena Kohoutkova


Strengthening of RC Members by Means of High Performance Concrete

by Stefano Maringoni, Alberto Meda, Serena Mostosi, and Paolo Riva


Characterization of Lightweight Mortars Containing Wood Waste

by Valeria Corinaldesi and Giacomo Moriconi


Strength and Durability Parameters of an Environmentally Friendly Concrete

by Ramón Corral, Susana P. Arredondo, José M. Gómez, Diana C. Gámez, José M. Mendivil, and Jorge L. Almaral


the Long-Term Monitoring of Large-Scale Concrete Specimens Containing Lithium Salts to Mitigate Alkali-Silica Reaction

by Thano Drimalas, Jason H. Ideker, Anthony F. Bentivegna, Kevin J. Folliard, Benoit Fournier, and Michael D. A. Thomas


Effect of Cracking on Chloride Diffusion Coefficient of Concrete

by Assia Djerbi Tegguer, Stephanie Bonnet, and Abdelhafid Khelidj


Pozzolanic Activity of Calcined Clays

by Simone E. Schulze and Jörg Rickert


Shrinkage Cracking of Self Compacting Concrete (SCC) with GGBS

by Salah Altoubat and Deena Badran


Application of Packing Concepts to High Performance Self-Consolidating Mortar (SCM) Systems

by Syed Ali Rizwan, Sajjad Ahmad, and Thomas A. Bier


High Performance and Conventional Concrete Properties Affected by Ashes Obtained from Different Type of Grasses

by Diana Bajare, Girts Bumanis, Genadij Shakhmenko, and Janis Justs


Mechanical Properties of Ultra High Performance Concrete (UHPC)

by Omer Q. Aziz and Ghafur H. Ahmed


Physical Chemistry and Rheology of Alkaline Solutions for Geopolymer Pastes Formulations

by Arnaud J.G. Bourlon, Jean-Baptiste d’Espinose, Eric Lécolier, and David Pasquier


Calcined Marl as a Pozzolan for Sustainable Development of the Cement and Concrete Industry

by Tobias Danner, Tone Østnor, and Harald Justnes


Comparison of Statistical Mix-Design Proportions of High Strength Self-Compacting Concrete

by Ozlem Akalin and Bahar Sennaroglu


Effects of Limestone Quarry Dust Content on Rheology and Strength of Self-Compacting Mortar

by B. Benabed, S. Kenai, L. Azzouz, E. Kadri, and A. S. E. Belaidi


Ion Filtration Effect of Superabsorbent Polymers for Internal Curing

by W. Siriwatwechakul, J. Siramanont, and W. Vichit-Vadakan


Investigation of the Foamed Concrete Properties Containing Nanosilica, as Compared with the Foamed Concrete Containing Microsilica

by Alireza Fiouz and Sina Saadat


Efficiency of Calcined Clay in Cementitious Systems

by Nancy Beuntner, Klaus Rapp, and Karl-Christian Thienel


Use of Radioactive Reinforcement in the Construction of Concrete Bridges

by Peter Paulík, Michal Pánik, and Vladimír Necas


Early Age and Durability Properties of Dredged Marine Sand Mortars

by Amor Ben Fraj, Mohamed Miraoui, Frédéric Boinski, and Pierre Mounanga


SCC with Ground Bottom Ash from Municipal Solid Wastes Incinerators

by Silvia Collepardi, Mario Collepardi, Giacomo Iannis, and Alessandro Quadrio Curzio




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