SP-264: Serviceability of Concrete Members Reinforced with Internal/External FRP Reinforcement CD

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Note: The individual papers are also available as .pdf downloads. Please click on the following link to view the papers available, or call 248.848.3800 to order.


Editors: Carlos Ospina, Peter Bischoff, and Tarek Alkhrdaji

Sponsored by ACI Committees 224, 435, 440


This CD consists of 11 papers that were presented at a session sponsored by ACI Committees 224, 435, and 440 at the ACI Spring 2009 Convention in San Antonio, TX, in March 2009. The papers focus on experimental evaluation and analytical predictions related to deflection and cracking, with the majority related to deflection of concrete flexural members reinforced with internal or external FRP. A few papers focus on cracking, and one paper looks at long-term behavior of columns under sustained loading.


Document Details

Publication Year: 2009

Pages: 220

ISBN: 9780870313431

Categories: Fiber-Reinforced Concrete

Formats: PDF

Table of Contents


Deflection Control for FRP-Reinforced Concrete Members: An Overview.

by A. Scanlon


Effect of Sustained Loads on Flexural Crack Width in Concrete Beams Reinforced with Internal FRP


by S.P. Gross, J.R. Yost, and D.J. Stefanski


Cracking and Deflection Behavior of One-Way Parking Garage Slabs Reinforced with CFRP Bars

by S. El-Gamal, B. Benmokrane, and E. El-Salakawy


The Story Behind Proposed Changes to ACI 440 Deflection Requirements for FRP-Reinforced Concrete

by P.H. Bischoff, S. Gross, and C.E. Ospina


Effective Moment of Inertia Expression for Concrete Beams Reinforced with Fiber-

Reinforced Polymer (FRP).

by H. Vogel and D. Svecova


Deflection and Cracking Behavior of RC Beams Strengthened in Flexure.

by S. Matthys and L. Taerwe


Modified Branson’s Formula for Deflection of FRP Strengthened Concrete Beams.

by H.A. Rasheed and H. Charkas


Deflection Control of Reinforced Concrete Beams and One-Way Slabs with Externally Bonded FRP.

by C.E. Ospina


Effective Moment of Inertia of Concrete Beams Prestressed with Aramid Fiber-Reinforced Polymer (AFRP)Tendons.

by Y.J. Kim


Design Implications of Creep and Long-Term Deflections in FRP-RC Beam-Columns.

by A. Mirmiran, H. Erdogan, and A. Singhvi


Significance of Cracking Uncertainty on Predicting Deflection of FRC-RC Beams.

by J.J. Kim, A.M. Said, and M.M. Reda Taha


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