SP-231: Ned H Burns Symposium on Historic Innovations in Prestressed Concrete

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Editors: Bruce W. Russell, Shawn P. Gross

This Special Publication of the American Concrete Institute consists of papers presented at the Ned H. Burns Symposium during the ACI Fall 2005 Convention.


The collection of papers in this volume presents a range of topics describing historic innovations in prestressed concrete over the past half-century. Topics include early uses of prestressed concrete by industry pioneers in Europe and the United States, development of construction techniques and design standards for several different prestressed concrete applications, and the use of innovative modern materials such as self-consolidating concrete and fiber-reinforced polymers.


Document Details

Publication Year: 2005

Pages: 288

ISBN: 9780870311925

Categories: Prestressed Concrete

Formats: PDF

Table of Contents


SP-231—1: Contributions of Gustave Mangel to the Development of

Prestressed Concrete 1

by L.R. Taerwe

SP-231—2: Early Applications of Prestressed Concrete in the United Kingdom

by C. Burgoyne

SP-231—3: A Historical Review of Prestressed Concrete through Patents

by A. Schokker

SP-231—4: They Wrote the Book on Prestressed Concrete

by W.N. Marianos, Jr.

SP-231—5: Survey of Prestressed/Post-Tensioned Folded Plate Shells for Roof Structures in the United States: 1950 - 1970 65

by K.W. Kramer

SP-231—6: The Development of Unbonded Post-Tensioning Tendons used in Parking Structures in Deicing Salt Regions by C. Walker

SP-231—7: PC Beams with Unbonded Tendons: Analysis in Cracked, Uncracked and Ultimate State

by A.E. Naaman

SP-231—8: Rational Determination of Friction Losses in Post-Tensioned

Construction by P.R. Gupta

SP-231—9: Effects of Friction and Slip-Back on Stresses in Post-Tensioning


by J.F. Stanton

SP-231—10: A Comparison of Methods for Experimentally Determining Prestress Losses in Pretensioned Prestressed Concrete Girders

by E. Baran, C.K. Shield, and C.E. French

SP-231—11: Innovations in Prestressed Concrete Pavement

by D.K. Merritt and B.F. McCullough

SP-231—12: Advances in Post-Tensioned Parking Facilities Seismic Design

by M. Iqbal

SP-231—13: Overview of ACI 440.4R-04 Document on Prestressing Concrete Structures with FRP Tendons

by R. El-Hacha, T.I. Campbell, and C.W. Dolan

SP-231—14: Variable Thickness Barrel Anchor for CFRP Prestressing Rods

by A. Al-Mayah, K. Soudki, and A. Plumtree

SP-231—15: Behavior of Pretensioned Type II AASHTO Girders Constructed with Self-Consolidating Concrete

by H.R. Hamilton III, T. Labonte, and M.H. Ansley

SP-231—16: Professor Ned H. Burns, Ph. D.—Scholar, Educator and Engineer

by R.W. Furlong, Ph.D., FACI, HonMASCE


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