SP-228: Seventh International Symposium on the Utilization of High-Strength/High-Performance Concrete

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Editor: Henry G. Russell


This special publication contains the papers presented at the Seventh International Symposium on the Utilization of High-Strength/High-Performance Concrete that was held in Washington, D.C., USA, June 20-24, 2005. The symposium continued the success of previous symposia held in Stavanger, Norway, (1987); Berkeley, California (1990); Lillehammer, Norway, (1993); Paris, France, (1996); Sandefjord, Norway, (1999); and Leipzig, Germany, (2002). The symposium brought together engineers and material scientists from around the world to discuss topics ranging from the latest applications to the most recent research on high-strength and high-performance concrete.

In the years since the first symposium was held in Stavanger, there has been worldwide growth in the use of both high-strength and high-performance concrete. In addition to more research and applications of traditional types of high-performance concrete, the use of self-consolidating concrete and ultra-high-performance concrete has moved from the laboratory to practical applications. This publication offers the opportunity to learn the latest about these developments.


Document Details

Publication Year: 2005

Formats: PDF

Table of Contents

Volume 1:


SP-228—1: Implementation of High-Performance

Concrete Bridge Technology in the USA 1

by S.N. Vanikar and L.N. Triandafilou

SP-228—2: Performance Based Design for Self-Compacting

Structural High-Strength Concrete 13

by H. Okamura, K. Maekawa, and T. Mishima

SP-228—3: High-Performance Concrete—A Proven Material with

Unfulfilled Potential 35

by J. Moksnes

SP-228—4: Ultra-High-Performance Concrete: Research, Development

and Application in Europe 51

by M. Schmidt and E. Fehling

SP-228—5: High-Strength Concrete (ACI 363R) 79

by ACI Committee 363 - High-Strength Concrete

SP-228—6: Use of High-Strength Concrete for Seismic Applications 81

by ACI Innovation Task Group 4

SP-228—7: Very High-Strength Rapid-Hardening Concrete 85

by V.R. Falikman, Y.V. Sorokin, and O.O. Kalashnikov

SP-228—8: Prediction of Concrete Rheology Based on Analytical Mix Design Model 97

by T.T. Roshavelov

SP-228—9: Fracture Energy of Rice-Husk Ash Concrete 111

by G. Giaccio, G.R. de Sensale, and R. Zerbino

SP-228—10: Non-Conventional Aggregates and Mineral Admixtures in

High-Performance Concrete 123

by R.A. Gayoso Blanco and M.R. Lam

SP-228—11: The Maturity Approach for Predicting Different Properties of

High-Performance Concrete 135

by J. Zhang, D. Cusson, L. Mitchell, T. Hoogeveen, and J. Margeson

SP-228—12: Effect of Silica Fume and Water to Binder Ratio on the

Diffusion of Chloride Ion into Concrete in Persian Gulf Region 155

by M. Chini, M. Hoseini, P. Ghods, R. Alizadeh, M. Ghalibafian, and M. Tadayon

SP-228—13: The Correlation between the Water/Cementitious Material Ratio

and HPC Compressive Strength 165

by S.F. Freyne, W. Micah Hale, and B.W. Russell

SP-2228—14: Entraining Air in High-Performance Concrete

and Its Effect on Compressive Strength 173

by W. Micah Hale, S.F. Freyne, and B.W. Russell

SP-228—15: Strength, Durability and Shrinkage of

High-Strength Rice Husk Ash Concrete 189

by H.B. Mahmud, E. Majuar, M.F.M. Zain, and N.B.A.A. Hamid

SP-228—16: The Myth, Reality, and Construction Practicality of

High Volume Fly Ash Replacement 203

by R. Szecsy

SP-228—17: Comparision of Two Metakaolins and a Silica Fume

Used as Supplementary Cementitious Materials 213

by J.M. Justice, L.H. Kennsion, B.J. Mohr, S.L. Beckwith, L.E. McCormick, B. Wiggins, Z.Z. Zhang, and K.E. Kurtis

SP-228—18: Properties of High-Strength Concrete

Using a High Fly Ash Content 237

by K.-Ch. Thienel, A. Kustermann, J. Junggunst, and R.K. Zimebelmann

SP-228—19: Fast Track Construction with High-Strength Concrete Mixes Containing Ground Granulated Blast Furnace Slag 255

by M.N. Soutsos, S.J. Barnett, J.H. Bungey, and S.G. Millard

SP-228—20: Performance of High Volume Fly Ash Concrete

Exposed to Acidic Environment 271

by L.V.A. Seshasayi, K. Ramu, and Y. Srinivasarao

SP-228—21: Properties of High-Performance Concrete Containing

High Reactivity Metakaolin 287

by A. Bonakdar, M. Bakhshi, and M. Ghalibafian

SP-228—22: Implementation of Self-Consolidating Concrete for

Prestressed Concrete Girders 297

by P. Zia, R.A. Nunez, L.A. Mata, and H.M. Dwairi

SP-228—23: Textile Carbon Reinforcement for Base Slabs of

Self-Consolidating Concrete 317

by J. Hegger and J. Niewels

SP-228—24: Stability of Long-Span Pretensioned

High-Performance Concrete Girders 333

by A. Saber and L.F. Kahn

SP-228—25: The Effect of Steel Fibers on the Moment Redistribution and

Rotation Capacity of Post-Tensioned High-Strength Concrete Beams 351

by P. De Pauw and L. Taerwe

SP-228—26: Effect of r¢ on Ductility of HSC Members Under Bending 363

by A.A. Maghsoudi and H. Akbarzadeh Bengar

SP-228—27: An Evaluation of the Fatigue Behavior of

High-Strength/High-Performance Concrete Bulb-Tee Girders 381

by C.B. Tanner and P.H. Ziehl

SP-228—28: Behavior and Design of HSC Members Subjected to

Axial Compression and Flexure 395

by H.C. Mertol, S.J. Kim, A. Mirmiran, S. Rizkalla, and P. Zia

SP-228—29: Flexural Behavior and Design of High-Strength Concrete Members 421

by Z. Wu, W. Choi, A. Mirmiran, S. Rizkalla, and P. Zia

SP-228—30: Prestress Losses in Pretensioned Girders

Part I: Method Development 439

by N. Al-Omaishi and M.K. Tadros

SP-228—31: Prestress Losses in Pretensioned Girders

Part II: Experimental Program 461

by N. Al-Omaishi and M.K. Tadros

SP-228—32: Evaluation of the Behavior of the Bond in High-Strength Concrete 481

by M.T. Barbosa

SP-228—33: Bond Anchorgae Behavior of Pretensioned Tendons in

High-Performance Concrete (HPC) 495

by J. Hegger, B. Kommer, S. Bülte, and A. Sherif

SP-228—34: Bond of Reinforcement in Ultra High-Strength Concrete 513

by K. Holschemacher, D. Weiße, and S. Klotz

SP-228—35: Lap Splices with High-Strength Concrete under

Combined Flexure and Shear Loading 529

by N. Morohashi and T. Sakurada

SP-228—36: Shortcomings of Current Compression Strength Tests

for HSC and a Proposed Solution 545

by I. Luker and S.W. Tabsh

SP-228—37: Uniaxially Loaded High-Strength Concrete Spiral Columns 557

by E. Canbay, Z.B. Koru, G. Ozcebe, and U. Ersoy

SP-228—38: Behavior of Geopolymer Concrete Columns

under Equal Load Eccentricities 577

by D.M.J. Sumajouw, D. Hardjito, S. Wallah, and B.V. Rangan

SP-228—39: Seismic Response of High-Rise RC Buildings

Made of High-Strength Materials 595

by D. Konstantinidis

SP-228—40: Development of High Seismic Performance Concrete Frames 615

by Y. Sun and T. Fukuhara

SP-228—41: Development of Precast High-Performance Fiber Reinforced Cement Composite Coupling Beams for Earthquake-Resistant Wall Systems 633

by G.J. Parra-Montesinos, J.K. Wight, and B.A. Canbolat

SP-228—42: Shear Design Procedure for Reinforced and Prestressed

High- and Normal-Strength Concrete Beams 651

by A. Cladera and A.R. Marí

SP-228—43: Minimum Flexure and Shear Reinforcement for HSFRC 669

by Z. Savir and A.N. Dancygier

SP-228—44: Experimental Study on Shear Resistance of

Steel Fiber Reinforced High-Strength Concrete Beams 687

by C.-K. Huang, H.-Z. Zhang, and Z.-G. Guan

SP-228—45: Shear Behavior of HPC Bulb-Tee Girders 705

by K.K. Raymond, R.N. Bruce, and J.J. Roller

SP-228—46: Shear Capacity of Beams Made of High-Performance Concrete 723

by J. Hegger, A. Sherif, and S. Görtz

SP-228—47: Torsional Behavior of High-Strength Concrete Beams with

Lower Amounts of Torsional Reinforcement 741

by I.-K. Fuang and H.-J. Chiu

Volume 2:

SP-228—48: Push-out Tests on Headed Studs in High-Strength Concrete 769

by J. Hegger, S. Rauscher, and C. Goralski

SP-228—49: Use of High-Strength/High-Performance Concrete (HSHPC)

in NYSDOT Bridges 787

by M. Royce

SP-228—50: High-Performance Concrete Bridges in Washington State 801

by B. Khaleghi and J. Weigel

SP-228—51: History of HPC in Virginia 821

by C. Ozyildirim

SP-228—52: The Development of High-Performance Concrete for

Transportation Structures in New Jersey 833

by N. Suksawang, H. Nassif, and H. Capers, Jr.

SP-228—53: High-Performance Concrete for the Woodrow Wilson Memorial Bridge 849

by T.A. Kite

SP-228—54: Experimental Study on the Behvior of High-Strength and Normal-Strength Concrete Beams in a Tennessee Bridge 863

by X.S. Huo, P. Zhu, and F. Ung

SP-228—55: Development of High-Performance Concrete Mixtures for Durable Bridge Decks in Montana Using Locally Available Materials 883

by J.S. Lawler, P.D. Krauss, and C. Abernathy

SP-228—56: Mechanical Properties of High-Performance Concrete Made for Bridge Decks using West Virginia Aggregates 903

by I. Ray, J.F. Davalos, Z. Gong, and A. Chatterjee

SP-228—57: Interface Bond Characterization of High-Performance Concrete

Overlays and Substrate 917

by J.F. Davalos, I. Ray, Z. Sun, and T. Hong

SP-228—58: Guide Specification for HPC Bridge Elements 933

by P.C. Taylor and S.B. Bhide

SP-228—59: The Concrete Pavement Technology Program (CPTP) —

Promoting High-Performance Concrete Pavements 943

by S.S. Tyson, K.D. Smith, S.D. Tayabji, and R.M. Larson

SP-228—60: “High-Performance Concrete Carpet” A New Concept of

Concrete Pavement 959

by F. de Larrard

SP-228—61: Performance-Based Paving Concrete Mixture

Design and Optimization 971

by J.M. Ruiz, R.O. Rasmussen, and M. Simon

SP-228—62: Recent Research Projects to Investigate Mechanical Properties of

High-Performance Lightweight Concrete 991

by K.S. Harmon

SP-228—63: Design, Development and Use of the Concrete for the Superstructure of the Viaduct Section of the Docklands Light Railway Extension, London 1009

by J.M. Best, S.R. Maynard, and E.A. Kay

SP-228—64: Research, Development, and Application of High-Performance Concrete in China: A National Report 1027

by N.-Q. Feng, J.-H. Yan, and G.-F. Peng

SP-228—65: Development and Construction Record on High-Strength Concrete with the Compressive Strength Exceeding 150 MPa 1045

by H. Jinnai, S. Kuroiwa, S. Watanabe, S. Namiki, and M. Hayakawa

SP-228—66: Effect of High Temperatures on High-Strength Concretes

Incorporating Cooper Slag Aggregate 1063

by A. Behnood

SP-228—67: Effects of Elevated Temperature on the Strength Development and Microstructure of High-Performance Concrete with Fly Ash 1075

by K.-B. Park and T. Noguchi

SP-228—68: Residual Mechanical Properties and Explosive Spalling of Fibre-Toughened High-Performance Concrete Exposed to High Temperatures 1087

by G.-F. Peng, G.-L. Qi, Y.-F. Liu, W.-J. Gu, Q.-X. Yi, and Y. Pan

SP-228—69: Residual Stress and Permeability of Hybrid Fiber-Reinforced

High-Strength Concrete Exposed to High Temperature 1097

by S.L. Suhaendi, T. Horiguchi, and N. Saeki

SP-228—70: Construction of an Optimized UHPC Vechicle Bridge 1109

by B.A. Graybeal and J.L. Hartmann

SP-228—71: The First use of UHPC Technology for an Innovative LRT Station Canopy Shawnessy, Calgery, Alberta 1119

by V. Perry and D. Zakariasen

SP-228—72: Economic Mix Design Ultra High-Strength Concrete 1133

by K. Holschemacher and D. Weiße

SP-228—73: Experimental Investigation on Ultra High-Strength Concrete under Concentrated Loading 1145

by K. Holschemacher, F. Dehn, S. Klotz, and D. Weiße

SP-228—74: Properties of Expansive-Ultra High-Strength Concrete 1159

by M. Suzuki, I. Maruyama, and R. Sato

SP-228—75: Prediction of Temperature in Ultra High-Strength Concrete Based on Temperature Dependent Hydration Model 1175

by I. Maruyama, M. Suzuki, and R. Sato

SP-228—76: Innovative Design of Ultra High-Performance Fiber Reinforced Concrete Ribbed Slab: Experimental Validation and Preliminary Detailed Analyses 1187

by F. Toutlemonde, J. Resplendino, L. Sorelli, S. Bouteille, and S. Brisard

SP-228—77: Acoustic Emission Response and Mechanical Characterization of

Ultra High-Performance Concrete Types 1207

by S. Marijan, B. Dubravka, and S. Zeljana

SP-228—78: Formulations, Characterizations and Applications of

Ultra High-Performance Concrete 1221

by I. Lallemant-Gamboa, S. Chanut, J.-P. Lombard, J. Chaignon, and T. Thibaux

SP-228—79: Mechanical Properties of Reactive Powder Concrete Beams 1237

by R. Gao, P. Stroeven, and C.F. Hendriks

SP-228—80: Fatigue Flexural Behavior of Pre-cracked Specimens of

Special UHPFRC 1253

by M. Behloul, G. Chanvillard, P. Pimienta, A. Pineaud, and P. Rivillon

SP-228—81: Influence of Fibre Ratio on Properties of Steel Fibre

High-Strength Concrete 1269

by T.R.A. Mohammad

SP-228—82: Influence of Curing Methods on the Formation of Microcracks in

High-Strength Concrete 1281

by A. Kustermann, K.-C. Thienel, and M. Keuser

SP-228—83: 3-D Finite Element Analysis of Early-Age Bridge Deck Cracking 1295

by W. Dekelbab, M.A.N. Hendriks, and R. Witasse

SP-228—84: Evaluation of Cracking Tendency and Unrestrained Shrinkage of High-Performance Concrete Mixes in Cast-in-Place and Precast Bridge Applications 1315

by B. Czarnecki and J. Kroman

SP-228—85: Effect of Shrinkage Reducing Admixture on the Shrinkage Behavior of

High-Strength Concrete 1329

by Y. Yang, X. Ou, M. Chen, and W. Chen

SP-228—86: Experimental Study on Mechanical Properties of Ultra-High-Strength Concrete with Low-Autogenous-Shrinkage 1341

by T. Ichinomiya, Y. Hishiki, T. Ohno, Y. Morita, and K. Takada

SP-228—87: Restrained Shrinkage Testing of High-Performance Concrete Modified with Structural Lightweight Aggregate 1353

by D. Cusson, T. Hoogeveen, and L. Mitchell

SP-228—88: Improvement of Time-Dependent Flexural Behavior in RC Members by Using Low Shrinkage-High-Strength Concrete 1373

by M. Tanimura, M. Suzuki, I. Maruyama, and R. Sato

SP-228—89: Creep and Shrinkage of High-Performance/High-Strength Concrete 1397

by N. Suksawang, H. Nassif, and A. Mohammed

SP-228—90: Effect of Moisture Content on the Air Permeability of Concrete 1417

by T. Hassan and P. Zia

SP-228—91: Comparison of Test Results from Laboratory and Long-Term Exposure on Durability of Reinforced Concrete in Marine Environment 1435

by B. Lin and Y. Cai

SP-228—92: The Use of Metakaolin and Geopolymer Cement to Improve Concrete Resistance to Sulfuric Acid Attack 1453

by E.H. Hewayde, E.N. Allouche, and G. Nakhla

SP-228—93: Sorptivity Characteristics of High-Performance Mortars 1467

by A. Sharma and R. Rambalack

SP-228—94: The Effect of Different Surface Coatings on the

Chloride Penetration into Concrete 1481

by M. Hoseini, R. Alizadeh, M. Chini, P. Ghods, and M. Shekarchi

SP-228—95: Durability Improvement of Cement Binders against Alkali Deterioration of Glass Fiber Embedded in Mortar or Acid Attack in Sewerage by Incorportating with

Blast Furnace Fume 1493

by A. Yonekura, H. Ito, S. Wakasugi, S. Goto, S. Numata, and H. Maeda

SP-228—96: Influence of Aggressive Environmental Effects on the

High-Strength/High-Performance Concrete 1509

by C. Magureanu, B. Heghes, and B. Rosca


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