SP-200: Fifth CANMET/ACI Conference on Recent Advances in Concrete Technology-Proceeding, Fifth International Conference

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Editor: V.M. Malhotra


Self-compacting concrete, recycled concrete as aggregate, calcium nitrate accelerators—these are just a few of the topics covered in the 47 papers included in ACI SP-200, Fifth CANMET/ACI International Conference on Recent Advances in Concrete Technology. You’ll be able to compare the structural performance of full-scale columns using ordinary and self-compacting concretes and with stirrup configurations representing differing degrees of confinement. You’ll also learn about a procedure that improves the quality of concrete made using aggregate produced from recycled concrete, and about experiments showing that, at 5 °C, calcium nitrate is a much more effective accelerator than calcium chloride.


Document Details

Publication Year: 2001

Pages: 786

ISBN: 9780870310294

Categories: Concrete Technology

Formats: PDF

Table of Contents


by V.M. Malhotra

Recycling of Demolished Concrete

by S. Nagataki and K. Iida

Ettringite Formation and Sulfate Attack on Concrete

by M. Collepardi

Counteracting Retardation of Cement Setting By Other Admixtures with Calcium Nitrate

by H. Justnes and B.G. Petersen

The Effect of Curing Temperature on High-Strength Concrete Used in Precast Factories

by A. Beeldens and L. Vandewalle

From Grave to Cradle: Reincarnation of Building Materials

by B. te Dorsthorst, A. Fraaij, T. Kowalczyk, and G. Slumier

Concentration Profile of Water-Soluble Chloride in 32 Year-Old Marine Concrete Piles

by C.T. E. Lim, K.C.G. Ong, K.H. Law and P. Paramasivam

Long-Term Deformations of High-Strength Concrete Containing Silica Fume and Metakaolin

by J.J. Brooks and M.A. Megat Johari

Evaluation of Procedures for In Situ Tensile Bond Testing of Concrete Repairs

by J.E. McDonald and A.M. Vaysburd

Expansion of Powerhouse Structures Due to Alkali-Aggregate Reaction and the Use of Low Calcium Fly Ash to Ameliorate the Reaction in Future Construction

by W.S. Langley and E. Brown

Chemically Prestressed Precast Concrete Box Culvert with Expansive Additives

by H.-Y. Park, C.-Y. Kim, -C. Choi, S.-W. Bae, and J.-H. Ryu

Monitoring Setting and Early Hydration of Cement Using Dielectric Spectroscopy

by S.T.C. Ng, G. Shapiro, and S.L. Mak

High-Performance Binders with Reduced Autogenous Shrinkage on the Basis of Fine Cement

by V. Martschuk

Application of High-Performance Concrete in Singapore's North-East and Changi MRT Lines

by C.K. Nmai, K.H. Seow, E.L. Khor, and P. Robery

High-Strength Concrete Columns Under Biaxial Bending

by P.K. Sarker, S. Adolphus, S. Patterson, and B.V. Rangan

Influence of Setting Accelerators on Chemical Shrinkage of Portland Cement

by F. Clemmens, P. Depuydt, H. Justnes, D. Vn Gemert, and E.J. Sellevold

Effectsof Ground and Classified Fly Ash on Properties of High-Performance Concrete

by M.K.H. Patoary and Dr. P. Nimityongskul

The U.S. Power Industry's Activities to Expand Coal Ash Utilization in Face of Lower Ash Quality

by Dean M. Golden

Chloride Diffusivity of Concrete Incorporating Rice Husk Ash

by N. Maeda, I. Wada, M. Kawakami, T. Ueda, and G.K.D. Pushpalal

Effect of Incorporating Metakaolin on Fresh and Hardened Properties of


by H.A. Razak and H.S. Wong

Durability of CLSM with Used Foundry Sand, Bottom Ash, and Fly Ash in Cold Regions

by T. Horigushi, H. Okumura, and N. Saeki

Use of Glass and Fly Ash in Manufacture of Controlled Low Strength Materials

by T.R. Naik, R.N. Kraus, and S.S. Singh

Properties of Self-Leveling Concrete: Influence of a Viscosity Agent and Cement Content

by J. Ambroise and J. Pera

Use of Recycled Concrete Powder in Self-Compacting Concrete

by H. Kasami, M. Hosino, T. Arasima, and H. Tateyasiki

Influence of the Nature and the Grading Curve of the Powder on the Rheology of Self-Compacting Concrete

by A.-M. Poppe and G. De Schutter

Performance of Reinforced Columns Cast with Self-Compacting Concrete

by M. Sonebi and P.J.M. Bartos

Durability of Reactive Powder Concrete When Subjected to a Leaching Test

by V. Matte, M. Cheyrezy, M. Moranville, C. Richet, and J-M Torrenti

High Pressure Steam Curing of Reactive-Powder Mortars

by L. Massidda, U. Sanna, E. Cocco, and P. Meloni

Axial Compressive Behavior or Reinforced Concrete Short Columns Strengthened with Carbon Fiber Sheets

by J.H. Hwang, K.S. Lee, B.Y. Bahn, and S.W. Shin

Polymer Modified Concrete with Expanded Polystyrene Grains Reinforced with Polypropylene Fibers

by K. Jankovic and L. Loncar

High Quality Recycled Aggregate Concrete (HiRAC) Processed by Decompression and Rapid Release

by H. Tamura, A. Nishio, J. Ohashi, and K. Imamoto

Shear Capacity of Reinforced Concrete Beams Made with Recylced Aggregate

by B.C. Han, H.D. Yun, and S.Y. Chung

Microwave Accelerated Production of Ferrocement Slabs--An Industrial Perspective

by J.M. Lau, K.B. Tan, L.S. Oh, C.K. Tan, K.C.G. Ong, and S. Sabesan

Rapid Microwave Curing of Precast Concrete Slab Elements

by S.L. Mak, D. Ritchie, G. Shapiro, and R. Banks

Crushed Post-Consumer Glass as Partial Replacement of Sand in Concrete

by T.R. Naik and Z. Wu

Old and New Coatings Against Chloride Ingress in Concrete

by J. Beslac and K. Mavar

Study on Durability of Anti-Washout Concrete Under Marine Environment

by S. Sakoda, N. Takeda, and S. Sogo

Biogenic Sulphuric Acid Attack of Concrete Sewer Pipes: A Prediction of the Corrosion Rate

by A. Beeldens and D. Van Gemert

Effect of Sea Water on Frost Damage to Mortar and Cement Paster

by X. Wang and K. Ayuta

Performance of Concrete After Ten Years of Exposure in the Arctic Marine


by M. Zhang, A. Bilodeau, V.M. Malhotra

Chloride Diffusion in Reinforced Concrete Beam Under Sustained Loading

by A. Castel, O. Francy, R. Francois, and G. Arliguie

Strengthening of RC Wall-Like Columns

by S. Tanwongsval, M. Maalej, and P. Paramasivam

Strength and Ductility of Concrete Confined by External Wrap

by S.K. Mandal and M.A. Mansur

Experimental Study on Behavior of Steel-Reinforced Concrete Joints

by S.Swaddiwudhipong and D. Jiang

Properties of Carbon-Steel and Polypropylene-Steel Reinforeced Concrete Joints

by S. Swaddiwudhipong and D. Jiang

Properties of Carbon-Steel and Polypropylene-Steel Hybrid Fiber Concrete in Low-Volume Fraction Range

by P. Stroeven, Z. Shui, C. Qian, and Y. Cheng

Mechanical Properties of Concrete Containing Foundry Sand

by J.M. Khatib and D.J. Ellis

The Maturity Approach in Concrete Technology--Going Beyond Compressive Strength

by R.C.A. Pinto, S.V. Hobbs, and K.C. Hover

Innovative Methods for Water Content Control of Recycled Aggregate Concrete: Rapid Absorption Test for Aggregate and Continuous Monitoring of Freshly-Mixed Concrete at Site

by H. Tamura, M. Arai, and K. Imamoto


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