SP-188: 4th Intl Symposium - Fiber Reinforced Polymer Reinforcement for Reinforced Concrete Structures

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Editors: Charles W. Dolan, Sami H. Rizkalla & Antonio Nanni


This volume presents 96 papers from the Fourth International Symposium and represents a significant expansion in the state of knowledge that has occurred since the First Symposium in 1993.


Document Details

Publication Year: 1999

Pages: 1182

ISBN: 9780870316876

Categories: Fiber-Reinforced Concrete

Formats: PDF

Table of Contents

Performance Evaluation of Fiber Reinforced Polymer Reinforcing Bar Featuring Ductility and Health Monitoring Capability

Authors: A. Belarbi, K. Chandrashekhara, and S. E. Watkins

Development of Continuous Fiber Flexible Reinforcement

Authors: T. Sugiyama, S. Tomita, S. Kouzaki, Y. Sato, T. Ueda, and A. Kobayashi

Creep Rupture of Fiber Reinforced Polymer Prestressing Tendons under Curvature

Authors: G. S. Kaski and C. W. Dolan

Evaluation and Standardization of Mechanical Test Methods for Continuous Fiber Sheet in Japan

Authors: N. Matsumoto, T. Harada, and K. Yagi

Properties of Fiber Reinforced Plastics at Elevated Temperatures with Regard to Fire Resistance of Reinforced Concrete Members

Authors: H. Blontrock, L. Taerwe, and S. Matthys

Mathematical Model for Fiber Reinforced Polymer Dowels Subjected to Tensile and Shear Forces

Authors: S. Y. Park and A. E. Naaman

Structural Reliability for Fiber Reinforced Polymer Reinforced Concrete Structures

Authors: K. Neocleous, K. Pilakoutas, and P. Waldron

Deflection of Reinforced Concrete Beams Reinforced by Fiber Reinforced Polymer Grids with Various Joint Designs

Authors: R. S. Engel, M. G. Croyle, C. E. Bakis, and A. Nanni

Design, Construction, and Monitoring of Fiber Reinforced Polymer Reinforced Concrete Bridge Deck

Authors: B. Benmokrane, R. Masmoudi, M. Chekired, H. Rahman, Z. Debbache, and G. Tadros

Concrete Columns Reinforced by Glass Fiber Reinforced Polymer Rods

Authors: S. H. Alsayed, Y. A. Al-Salloum, T. H. Almusallam, and M. A. Amjad

Structural Behavior of Composite Reinforced Concrete Members Encased by Continuous Fiber-Mesh Reinforced Mortar Permanent Forms

Authors: Y. Sato, S. Fujii, Y. Seto, and T. Fujii

Failure of Over-Reinforced Hybrid Fiber Reinforced Polymer Concrete Beam Columns

Authors: A. Mirmiran, M. Shahawy, and C. El Khoury

New Approach for Punching Shear Capacity Prediction of Fiber Reinforced Polymer Reinforced Concrete Flat Slabs

Authors: A. W. El-Ghandour, K. Pilakoutas, and P. Waldron

Shear Failure of Concrete Beams Reinforced with 3-D Fiber Reinforced Plastic Grids

Authors: L. C. Bank and M. Ozel

Fiber Reinforced Polymer Reinforcement for Concrete Structures

Authors: E. Shehata, R. Morphy, and S. Rizkalla

Experimental Study of Shear Behavior of Continuous Beams Reinforced with Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymer

Authors: A. G. Razaqpur and D. Mostofinejad

Edge Effects in Retrofitting of Concrete Beams Using Fiber Reinforced Polymer Stripes—Closed-Form, High-Order Theory Approach

Authors: O. Rabinovitch and Y. Frostig

Seismic Retrofitting of Reinforced Concrete Columns with Wing Walls Using Carbon Fiber Reinforced Plastic Walls

Author:K. Masuo

Seismic Retrofit of Reinforced Concrete Columns by Fiber Sheet Wrapping without Removal of Finishing Mortar and Side Wall Concrete

Authors: H. Fukuyama, H. Suzuki, and H. Nakamura

Tests on Axially Loaded Concrete Columns Confined by Fiber Reinforced Polymer Sheet Wrapping

Authors: S. Matthys, L. Taerwe, and K. Audenaert

New Design Method for Seismic Retrofit of Bridge Columns with Continuous Fiber Sheet—Performance-Based Design

Authors: H. Mutsuyoshi, T. Ishibashi, M. Okano, and F. Katsuki

Experimental Investigation on Concrete Confined by Fiber Reinforced Polymer and Comparison with Theoretical Model

Authors: A. La Tegola and O. Manni

Study on Structural Performance of Reinforced Concrete Columns with Waist-High Walls Strengthened by Carbon Fiber Reinforced Plastic Sheets

Authors: H. Nagai, T. Kanakubo, Y. Jinno, Y. Matsuzaki, and S. Morita

Experimental Study on Seismic Performance of Reinforced Concrete Columns Retrofitted with Composite-Materials Jackets

Authors: A. Zhang, T. Yamakawa, P. Zhong, and T. Oka

One-Way Slabs Reinforced with Glass Fiber Reinforced Polymer Reinforcing Bars

Authors: D. H. Deitz, I. E. Harik, and H. Gesund

Seismic Rehabilitation of Unreinforced Masonry Walls

Authors: O. S. Marshall, Jr., S. C. Sweeney, and J. C. Trovillion

Glass Fiber Reinforced Polymer Dowel Bars for Transverse Pavement Joints

Authors: D. Davis and M. L. Porter

Failure Modes of Sheet Bonded Fiber Reinforced Polymer Applied to Brick Masonry

Authors: K. Roko, T. E. Boothby, and C. E. Bakis

Design Recommendations for Bridge Deck Slabs Reinforced by Fiber Reinforced Polymers

Authors: T. Hassan, S. H. Rizkalla, A. Abdelrahman, and G. Tadros

Will Fiber Reinforced Polymer Composites Ever Change Bridge Engineering?

Authors: J. B. Scalzi, W. Podolny, Jr., E. Munley, and B. Tang

Experimental Study on Bond-Slip Behavior of Longitudinal Bars in Reinforced Concrete Beams Confined with Fiber Reinforced Polymer Sheets

Authors: S. Kono, K. Matsuno, and T. Kaku

Bond between Glass Fiber Reinforced Plastic Reinforcing Bars and Concrete—Experimental Analysis

Authors: E. Cosenza, G. Manfredi, M. Pecce, and R. Realfonzo

Critical Review of Plate Anchorage Stresses in Premature Debonding Failures of Plate Bonded Reinforced Concrete Beams

Authors: P. Mukhopadhyaya and R. N. Swamy

Bond Failure of Concrete Fiber Reinforced Polymer Plates at Inclined Cracks—Experiments and Fracture Mechanics Model

Authors: U. Neubauer and F. S. Rostasy

New Device for In Situ Testing of Fiber Reinforced Polymer/Concrete Adhesion

Authors: G. Mullins, R. K. Race, R. Sen, and J. From

Bond of Glass Fiber Reinforced Plastic Reinforcing Bar for Consideration in Bridge Decks

Authors: C. K. Shield, C. W. French, and J. P. Hanus

Experimental Study on Bond Strength of Continuous Carbon Fiber Sheet

Authors: T. Ueda, Y. Sato, and Y. Asano

Carbon Fiber Reinforcing Polymers as Negative Moment Reinforcing in Repair of Composite Steel Parking Deck

Author: J. Dortzbach

Strengthening of Bridge G270 with Externally Bonded Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymer Reinforcement

Authors: R. Mayo, A. Nanni, W. Gold, and M. Barker

Retrofit of Reinforced Concrete Bridges with Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymer Composites

Authors: C. P. Pantelides, J. Gergely, L. D. Reaveley, and V. A. Volnyy

Deck Strengthening for Country Hills Bridge in Canada

Authors: G. Tadros, K. McWhinnie, and J. Kroman

Feasibility Study for High-Strength Spun Concrete Pylon Prestressed with Carbon Fiber Reinforced Plastic for Transmitting Voltages at 110 kV Level

Authors: G.P. Terrasi, U. Meier, and B. Burkhardt

Reinforced Concrete Cap Beam Strengthening Using Fiber Reinforced Polymer Composites

Authors: J. O’Connor, H. Hoyos, A. Yannotti, S. Alampalli, and K. Luu

Influence of Time-Temperature-Loading on Carbon Epoxy Reinforcement for Concrete Structures

Authors: E. Ferrier and P. Hamelin

Durability of Fiber Reinforced Polymer Reinforcement Embedded in Concrete

Authors: K. Sekijima, Y. Otsuka, and T. Konno

Deterioration of Aramid, Glass, and Carbon Fibers Due to Alkali, Acid, and Water in Different Temperatures

Authors: T. Uomoto and T. Nishimura

Characteristics and Performance Evaluation Methods of Continuous Fiber Bars—State of the Art Studies on Fire Properties and Durability of Continuous Fiber Reinforced Concrete in Japan

Authors: H. Tanano, Y. Masuda, and F. Tomosawa

Fatigue Behavior of Composite Reinforcement for Concrete Structures

Authors: E. Ferrier, H. Nasseri, and P. Hamelin

Long-Term Behavior of Concrete Beams Prestressed with Carbon Fiber Tendons

Authors: A. Braimah, M. F. Green, K. A. Soudki, and F. Clapp

Bending Behavior of Reinforced Concrete Beams Strengthened with Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymer Laminates and Subjected to Freeze-Thaw Cycles

Authors: M. del Mar Lopez, A. E. Naaman, and R. D. Till

Long-Term Deflection of Fiber Reinforced Polymer Concrete Beams

Authors: O. Joh, Z. Wang, and Y. Goto

Confinement of Corrosion Cracking in Reinforced Concrete Beams Using Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymer Laminates

Authors: E. G. Sherwood and K. A. Soudki

Accelerated and Natural Weathering of Glass Fiber Reinforced Plastic Bars

Authors: P. V. Vijay and H. V. S. GangaRao

Development of New Repair and Maintenance Technique with Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymer Composite

Authors: T. Ando, E. Sawada, and K. Nii

Experimental and Analytical Investigation of Partially Prestressed Concrete Beams Strengthened with Carbon Reinforcement

Authors: J. Y. Cha, P. Balaguru, and L. Chung

Anchorage Design for Externally Bonded Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymer Laminates

Authors: K. Brosens and D. Van Gemert

Strengthening of Continuous Beams Using Fiber Reinforced Polymer Laminates

Authors: N. F. Grace, A. K. Soliman, G. Abdel-Sayed, and K. R. Saleh

Strengthening Effect of Reinforced Concrete Elements with Polyacetal Fiber Sheets

Authors: C. Iihoshi, H. Fukuyama, Y. Matsumoto, and S. Abe

Interaction between Fiber Reinforced Polymer Sheets and Concrete under Biaxial Stress Fields

Authors: T. Furuta, T. Kanakubo, M. Uemura, and H. Yoshizawa

Externally Bonded Composites for Strengthening Concrete T- Beam Bridges

Author: S. Morton

Uniaxial Tensile Behavior of Reinforced Concrete Elements Strengthened by Carbon Fiber Sheet

Authors: Y. Sato, K. Shouji, T. Ueda, and Y. Kakuta

Flexural Strengthening of Reinforced Concrete Beams with Carbon Fiber Sheets

Authors: Y. Takahashi, C. Hata, Y. Sato, T. Ueda, and T. Maeda

Concrete Cover Delamination in Reinforced Concrete Beams Strengthened with Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymer Sheets

Authors: G. Tumialan, P. Serra, A. Nanni, and A. Belarbi

Strengthening Concrete Beams with Prestressed Fiber Reinforced Polymer Sheets: Behavior at Room and Low Temperatures

Authors: R. El-Hacha, G. Wight, and M. F. Green

Retrofitting Method for Reinforced Concrete Structures with Externally Prestressed Carbon Fiber Sheets

Authors: Z. Wu, T. Matsuzaki, K. Yokoyama, and T. Kanda

Crack Behavior of Plain Concrete and Reinforced Concrete Members Strengthened with Carbon Fiber Sheets

Authors: H. Yoshizawa and Z. Wu

Experimental Study of Transfer and Development Length of Fiber Reinforced Polymer Prestressing Strands

Authors: Z. Lu, T. E. Boothby, C. E. Bakis, and A. Nanni

Modeling Stress State Dependency of Bond Behavior of Fiber Reinforced Polymer Tendons

Authors: J. V. Cox and J. Guo

Design Guidelines for Concrete Beams Prestressed with Partially-Bonded Fiber Reinforced Plastic Tendons

Authors: J. M. Lees and C. J. Burgoyne

Fiber Reinforced Polymer Prestressed Tension Elements as Reinforcement for Concrete

Authors: D. Svecova and A. G. Razaqpur

Recommended Design Aspects for Concrete Members Pretensioned with Aramid Fiber Reinforced Polymers

Authors: A. Gerritse and L. Taerwe

Long-Term Behavior of Anchorage for Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymer Strands Using Highly Expansive Material

Authors: T. Harada, T. Enomoto, M. Khin, and T. Idemitsu

Experimental Study on Friction Factor for Fiber Reinforced Polymer Tendons in Pretensioned Prestressed Concrete Members

Authors: M. Khin, M. Tanaka, K. Venkataramana, and T. Harada

Japanese State of the Art on Seismic Retrofit by Fiber Wrapping for Building Structures: Technologies and Research and Development Activities

Authors: H. Katsumata, K. Kobayashi, S. Morita, and Y. Matsuzaki

Japanese State of the Art on Seismic Retrofit by Fiber Wrapping for Building Structures: Research

Authors: Y. Matsuzaki, K. Nakano, S. Fujii, and H. Fukuyama

Japanese State of the Art on Seismic Retrofit by Fiber Wrapping for Building Structures: Evaluations

Authors: S. Fujii, Y. Matsuzaki, K. Nakano, and H. Fukuyama

Verification of Safety and Serviceability of Concrete Structures Retrofitted with Externally-Bonded Continuous Fiber Materials

Authors: T. Shimomura, H. Mutsuyoshi, Z. Wu, A. Kobayashi, and T. Ishibashi

Seismic Retrofit of Flexural Bridge Spandrel Columns Using Fiber Reinforced Polymer Composite Jackets

Authors: F. Seible, D. Innamorato, J. Baumgartner, V. Karbhari, and L. H. Sheng

Effect of Longitudinal Carbon Fiber Reinforced Plastic Laminates on Shear Capacity of Reinforced Concrete Beams

Authors: O. Ahmed and D. Van Gemert

Shear Strengthening of AASHTO Bridge Girders Using Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymer Sheets

Authors: R. L. Hutchinson and S. H. Rizkalla

Flexural and Shear Performance of Concrete Beams Strengthened with Fiber Reinforced Polymer Laminates

Authors: D. I. Kachlakev and W. A. Barnes

Evaluation Systems of Shear Capacity of Reinforced Concrete Members Retrofitted with Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymer Sheets in Consideration of Bond-Peeling Characteristics

Authors: A. Kamiharako, K. Maruyama, and T. Shimomura

Nonlaminated Pin-Loaded Carbon Fiber Reinforced Plastic Straps for Shear Enhancement of Concrete

Authors: J. M. Lees, A. Winistoerfer, and U. Meier

Shear Strengthening of Continuous Reinforced Concrete Beams Using Externally Bonded Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymer Sheets

Authors: A. Khalifa, G. Tumialan, A. Nanni, and A. Belarbi

Influence of Separation on Flexural Performance of Reinforced Concrete Beams Reinforced by Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymer Sheets

Authors: T. Kage, Y. Masuda, and T. Ina

Deflection and Crack Width Predictions of Concrete Beams Reinforced with Fiber Reinforced Polymer Bars

Authors: H. A. Toutanji and M. Saafi

Interface Crack Propagation in Fiber Reinforced Polymer-Strengthened Concrete Structures Using Nonlinear Fracture Mechanics

Authors: J. Yin and Z. Wu

Engineering Model for Forecast of Stress Rupture Strength of Stressed Aramid Fiber Reinforced Polymer Bars Embedded in Concrete

Authors: F. S. Rostasy and M. Scheibe

Shear Load Testing of Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymer Strengthened Double Tee Beams in Precast Parking Garage

Authors: M. Mettemeyer, P. Serra, M. D. Wuerthele, G. Schuster, and A. Nanni

Experimental Study on Reinforced Concrete Columns Having Wing Walls Retrofitted with Continuous Fiber Sheets

Authors: Y. Sonobe, Y. Matsuzaki, H. Nakamura, M. Iso, and M. Watanabe

Seismic Performance of Hybrid Reinforced Concrete Circular Columns Confined in Aramid Fiber Reinforced Polymer Tube

Authors: T. Yamakawa, H. Satoh, and P. Zhong

Strengthening Concrete Masonry with Fiber Reinforced Polymers

Authors: H. R. Hamilton III, A. Holberg, J. Caspersen, and C. W. Dolan

Bond Strength of Various Types of Fiber Reinforced Plastic Rods

Authors: Z. Wang, Y. Goto, and O. Joh

Bond Splitting Behavior of Continuous Fiber Reinforced Concrete Members

Authors: T. Sakai, T. Kanakubo, K. Yonemaru, and H. Fukuyama

Myriad Convention Center Floor System Reinforcement

Authors: T. Hogue, R. C. Cornforth, and A. Nanni

Post-Strengthening of Concrete Slabs

Authors: V. M. Karbhari, F. Seible, W. Seim, and A. Vasquez


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