On-Demand Course: Planning, Placing, Protecting, and Curing in Adverse Conditions (Part 1)

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The contents of this course include three recorded presentations from the ACI 2023 Spring Convention.

• Pre-Placement Planning in Adverse Conditions from the A/E's Perspective, by Philip Brandt, Euclid Chemical Company

• Protection, Initial Curing and Final Curing—What's the Difference and Why Does it Matter?, by Terry Harris Sr., GCP Applied Technologies

• Pre-Placement Planning in Adverse Conditions from the Contractor's Perspective, by Jason Wimberly, Lithko Contracting

INSTRUCTIONS: Study the materials included in this module. Then, complete and pass the corresponding 10-question quiz with a score of 80% or higher to receive a certificate for 0.15 CEU (equivalent to 1.0 PDH).

Continuing Education Credit: 0.15 CEU (1.5 PDH)

Approved by AIA and ICC

Access Period: 30 days


Presentations are solicited to share a holistic approach to concrete construction with respect to planning, placing, protecting, and curing concrete elements in adverse weather and environmental conditions – especially in consideration of sustainability. The main objective of this course is to present a practitioner’s perspective on issues related to properly protecting and curing concrete. By attending this course, attendees will learn how adverse conditions impact the durability and life-cycle of concrete and the importance of proper planning, placing, protecting, and curing. Presenters will share updates on committee standards and discuss strategies to produce quality concrete in adverse conditions common to the construction industry.


Document Details

Author: Brandt, Harris Sr., Wimberly

Publication Year: 2023


Categories: Curing, Durability, Placing

Formats: Online Learning

Table of Contents

Learning Objectives

1. Review ACI 305, 306, 308 - Practical guides and specification documents for proper concrete placement and curing, "What you need to know".

2. Learn best practices for proper planning and how to recognize all stakeholders who need to be included in planning a concrete placement.

3. Understand the definition of protection, initial curing, and final curing; how and why they differ.

4. Understand importance of the contractor's proactive planning and methods to mitigate adverse conditions on a concrete placement.


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