On-Demand Course: Electrical Methods for Evaluating Mass Transport Properties of Concrete

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The contents of this course include four recorded presentations from the ACI 2017 Spring Convention:

• Modeling Multi-Species Ionic Transport in Concrete Using In-Situ Electrical Measurements and Local Environmental Data, by Jason Weiss, Oregon State University and O. Burkan Isgor, Oregon State University

• Electrical Properties of Concrete to Predict Differences Diffusion Coefficients and Service Life, by Michael Thomas, University of New Brunswick

• Toward Performance Specifications for Concrete Durability: Using the Formation Factor, by Jason Weiss, Oregon State University

• Standardization of Bulk Resistivity Tests for Fluid Penetration Resistance, by R. Doug Hooton, University of Toronto and Gita Charmchi, University of Toronto

INSTRUCTIONS: Study the materials included in this module. Then, complete and pass the corresponding 10-question quiz with a score of 80% or higher to receive a certificate for 0.1 CEU (equivalent to 1.0 PDH). This online course is not approved for credit with the Florida Construction Industry Licensing Board (CILB).

Continuing Education Credit: 0.1 CEU (1 PDH)

Approved AIA and ICC

Access Period: 30 days


To obtain improved durability, designers are specifying limits for ASTM C1202, “Standard Test Method for Electrical Indication of Concrete’s Ability to Resist Chloride Ion Penetration” or, more recently, electrical resistivity test methods. The objective of this session is to discuss the different electrical methods and appropriate test limits. In addition, errors in test results related to differences in specimen geometry and differences in pore fluid conductivity will be discussed, as well as the use of the formation factor to correct for these errors. The use of electrical methods to predict diffusion coefficients and service life are also presented.


Document Details

Author: Weiss, Thomas, Hooton


Categories: Durability, Testing

Formats: Online Learning

Table of Contents

Learning Objectives

1. Identify modeling approaches than can derive chloride diffusion to help predict chloride egress in tested hardened concrete

2. Describe different factors that affect resistivity tests of concrete that is used to predict chloride diffusion and chloride penetration

3. Explain the formation factor and how it is related to the pore structure and pore conductivity of concrete

4. Explain advantages of bulk resistivity tests on concrete core samples for fluid penetration resistance and factors that could negatively affect accurate results of the test.


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