ACI PRC-224.1-07 Causes, Evaluation, and Repair of Cracks in Concrete Structures

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Price: $ 59.00 USD


The causes of cracks in concrete structures are summarized. The procedures used to evaluate cracking in concrete and the principal techniques for the repair of cracks are presented. The key methods of crack repair are discussed, and guidance is provided for their proper application.

Keywords: alkali-silica reaction; alkali-carbonate reaction; autogenous healing; concrete; consolidation; corrosion; cracking (fracturing); drying shrinkage; epoxy resins; evaluation; grouting; heat of hydration; mass concrete; methacrylates; mixture proportion; overlay; plastic; polymer;precast concrete; prestressed concrete; reinforced concrete; repair; resins;settlement shrinkage; shrinkage; slab-on-ground; specification; thermal expansion; volume change.


Document Details

Author: ACI Committee 224

Publication Year: 2007

Pages: 22

ISBN: 9780870312342

Categories: Codes, Cracking

Formats: PDF

Table of Contents


Chapter 1—Causes and control of cracking


1.2—Cracking of plastic concrete

1.3—Cracking of hardened concrete

Chapter 2—Evaluation of cracking


2.2—Determination of location and extent of concretecracking

2.3—Selection of repair procedures

Chapter 3—Methods of crack repair


3.2—Epoxy injection

3.3—Routing and sealing

3.4—Near-surface reinforcing and pinning

3.5—Additional reinforcement

3.6—Drilling and plugging

3.7—Gravity filling



3.10—Crack arrest

3.11—Polymer impregnation

3.12—Overlay and surface treatments

3.13—Autogenous healing

Chapter 4—References

4.1—Referenced standards and reports

4.2—Cited references


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