ACI PRC-224-01: Control of Cracking in Concrete Structures (Reapproved 2008)

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The principal causes of cracking and recommended crack-control procedures are presented. The current state of knowledge in microcracking and fracture of concrete is reviewed. The control of cracking due to drying shrinkage and crack control in flexural members, overlays, and mass concrete construction are covered in detail. Long-term effects on cracking are considered and crack-control procedures used in construction are presented. Information is presented to assist in the development of practical and effective crack-control programs for concrete structures. Extensive references are provided.

Keywords: aggregates; anchorage (structural); bridge decks; cementaggregate reactions; concrete construction; concrete pavements; concrete slabs; cooling; corrosion; crack propagation; cracking (fracturing); crack width and spacing; drying shrinkage; shrinkage-compensating concrete; heat of hydration; mass concrete; microcracking; polymer-modified concrete; prestressed concrete; reinforced concrete; restraint; shrinkage; temperature; tensile stresses; thermal expansion; volume change.


Document Details

Author: ACI Committee 224

Publication Year: 2002

Pages: 46

ISBN: 9780870310560

Categories: Cracking

Formats: PDF

Table of Contents

Chapter 1--Introduction

Chapter 2--Crack mechanisms in concrete




Chapter 3--Control of cracking due to drying shrinkage


3.2--Crack formation

3.3--Drying shrinkage

3.4--Factors influencing drying shrinkage

3.5--Control of shrinkage cracking

3.6--Shrinkage-compensating concretes

Chapter 4--Control of cracking in flexural members


4.2--Crack control equations for reinforced concrete beams

4.3--Crack control in two-way slabs and plates

4.4--Tolerable crack widths versus exposure conditions in concrete

4.5--Flexural cracking in prestressed concrete

4.6--Anchorage zone cracking in prestressed concrete

4.7--Tension cracking

Chapter 5--Long-term effects on cracking


5.2--Effects of long-term loading

5.3--Environmental effects

5.4--Aggregate and other effects

5.5--Use of polymers in improving cracking characteristics

Chapter 6--Control of cracking in concrete layered systems


6.2--Fiber reinforced concrete (FRC) overlays

6.3--Latex modified concrete (LMC) overlays

6.4--Polymer impregnated concrete (PIC) systems

Chapter 7--Control of cracking in mass concrete


7.2--Crack resistance

7.3--Determination of temperatures and tensile strains

7.4--Control of cracking

7.5--Testing methods and typical data

7.6--Artificial cooling by embedded pipe systems

7.7--Summary--Basic considerations for construction controls and specs

Chapter 8--Control of cracking by correct construction practices






8.6--Specifications to minimize drying shrinkage


Chapter 9--References

9.1--Specified and/or recommended references

9.2--Cited references

9.3—Other references


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