ACI PRC-211.1-91: Standard Practice for Selecting Proportions for Normal, Heavyweight, and Mass Concrete (Reapproved 2009)

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This publication describes methods for selecting and adjusting proportions for normal weight concrete. The procedures take into consideration the requirements for placeability, consistency, strength, and durability. Example calculations are shown, including adjustments based on the characteristics of the first trial batch. The proportioning of heavyweight concrete for such purposes as radiation shielding and bridge counterweight structures is described.

Keywords: absorption; admixtures; aggregates; blast-furnace slag; cementitious materials; concrete durability; concretes; consistency; durability; exposure; fine aggregates: fly ash; heavyweight aggregates; heavyweigh concretes ;mass concrete ;mix proportioning; pozzolans; quality control; radiation shielding; silica fume; slump tests; volume; water-cement ratio; water-cementitious ratio; workability.


Document Details

Author: ACI Committee 211

Publication Year: 2002

Pages: 38

ISBN: 9780870310171

Categories: Mixture Proportioning

Formats: PDF

This document is Historical

Table of Contents

Chapter 1: Scope

Chapter 2: Introduction

Chapter 3: Basic relationship

Chapter 4: Effects of chemical admixtures, pozzolanic, and other

materials on concrete proportions

Chapter 5: Background data

Chapter 6: Procedure

Chapter 7: Sample computations

Chapter 8: References

Appendix 1: Metric system adaptation

Appendix 2: Example problem in metric system

Appendix 3: Laboratory tests

Appendix 4: Heavyweight concrete mix proportioning

Appendix 5: Mass concrete mix proportioning


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