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International Concrete Abstracts Portal


Title: Precast Complex Conoidal Horticultural Domes

Author(s): W. John Hufschmidt

Publication: Journal Proceedings

Volume: 58

Issue: 11

Appears on pages(s): 543-554

Keywords: none

DOI: 10.14359/7996

Date: 11/1/1961

A radical departure from the standard gable type roof design for greenhouses or horticultural exposition buildings was undertaken by the Milwaukee County Park Commission at Mitchell Park in Milwaukee, Wis. There were a number of innovations in design, both from the horticultural, as well as the architecturalstructural, point of view. Describes the design, casting, and erection of one of the typical superstructures of these complex conoidals, or domes, as they are more commonly called. An interesting aspect was the precasting of the borne sections. The use of concrete molds with loose concrete pieces or cores was selected. Because the large pieces were not in one plane, the molds required loose pieces which had to be released before the finished product could be stripped or removed. The construction of the concrete mold, which followed much the same procedure as used in the foundry industry, is described.