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International Concrete Abstracts Portal


Title: Suggested Design Guidelines for Seismic Retrofit with SIMCON and SIFCON

Author(s): E. Dogan, H. Hill, and N. Krstulovic-Opara

Publication: Symposium Paper

Volume: 185


Appears on pages(s): 207-248

Keywords: fiber reinforcement; high-performance concrete; jacketing

DOI: 10.14359/5717

Date: 2/1/2000

This paper suggests design guidelines for seismic retrofit of non-seismically designed reinforced concrete frames using High Performance Fiber Reinforced Concretes (HPFRCs), I.e., Slurry Infiltrated Mat Concrete (SIMCON) and Slurry Infiltrated Fiber Concrete (SIFCON). The following retrofit schemes are addressed: (1) column retrofit with either discontinuous or continuous SIMCON jackets, and (2) joint retrofit by either "internal" retrofit with prestressing bars or "external" SIMCON jacketing. Validity of the suggested guidelines was experimentally verified by testing a series of seismically retrofitted non-ductile beam-column sub-assemblages. Experimental data indicate that the suggested design procedure was appropriate for the retrofit design of the specimens. Additional experimental and analytical investigations are suggested to confirm the validity of proposed design approach for different beam-column connections. The paper focuses on the design procedure. Key pieces of information on the experimental investigation are only reviewed here and are presented in detail elsewhere [1].