International Concrete Abstracts Portal


Title: Dynamic analysis of symmetrical continuous beams with application to three and four span bridges

Author(s): Rubio, P.

Publication: ACHE

Volume: 40

Issue: 171

Appears on pages(s): 117 - 131



Date: 1/3/1989

Diverse simplifications are derived for dynamic analysis of symmetrical continuous beams. Since all structural matrices keep the symmetry with respect to their central element or center, a decomposition of the frequencies equation is obtained from classic determinant decomposition. Furthermore, the particular tri-diagonal condition of the matrices leads to two explicitly separate equations. In the case of identical spans, a completely elementary decomposition of the frequencies equation is also derived. Application to determination of frecuencies of three and four span bridges is presented by computation of two discretized lumped mass and distributed mass models, with estimations of theoretical impact factors.

ACI International Partner, ACHE Spain, International Partner Access

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