International Concrete Abstracts Portal


Title: Numerical model for the non linear analysis of precast and sequentially constructed sections

Author(s): de la Fuente Antequera, A.; Aguado de Cea, A.; Molins Borrel, C.

Publication: ACHE

Volume: 59

Issue: 247

Appears on pages(s): 68 - 87

Keywords: Sectional analysis, creep and shrinkage, sequentially constructed sections, precast sections, composite sections.


Date: 1/1/2008

In this article, a new general model for time analysis of sections composed by several materials, type concrete and steel, including the sequential process of construction and the main nonlinearities of the behaviour of the materials (nonlinear creep, yielding, buckling?) is presented. The problem of the deferred deformations of the concrete is solved by using the aging coefficient method applied step by step. This method allows reaching better results with expanded intervals of time than using the step by step method applied in a strict way. This leads to smaller times of calculation and a greater versatility in the discretización of time in any kind of section.

ACI International Partner, ACHE Spain, International Partner Access

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