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International Concrete Abstracts Portal


Title: Application of the reduction method to the linear computation of constrained structures with singular mass matrix

Author(s): Rubio Pérez, P.

Publication: ACHE

Volume: 41

Issue: 174

Appears on pages(s): 33 - 45



Date: 1/1/1990

The exposition relative to the linear computation of structures with nonsingular mass matrix, under linear constraints, earlier presented in Ref [1], through alternative applications of the reduction and the penalty methods, is followed. Firstly. in this paper, the application of the reduction method, or master-slave algorithm, to constrained structures with singular mass matrix, is achieved, while successive further presentations would be dedicated to the parallel asymptotic method. Through the application of the reduction mrthod, two different situations are referred, according to an additional condesation were or not were necessary of anyone free d.o.f relative to the reduced system after elimination of the slave displacements. Some particular examples are also considered. In particular, special mention is done of the static computation like an extension of the foregoing procedures to the case in which a theoretically virtual mass matrix becomes a null matrix.

ACI International Partner, ACHE Spain, International Partner Access

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