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International Concrete Abstracts Portal


Title: Tensile Properties of Hybrid Fiber-Reinforced Reactive Powder Concrete After Exposure to Elevated Temperatures

Author(s): Haiyan Li, and Gang Liu

Publication: IJCSM

Volume: 10

Issue: 1

Appears on pages(s): 29–37

Keywords: reactive powder concrete (RPC), tensile properties, elevated temperatures, steel fiber, polypropylene fiber, scanning electron microscope (SEM)

DOI: 10.1007/s40069-016-0125-z

Date: 3/31/2016

The paper presents a research project on the tensile properties of RPC mixed with both steel and polypropylene fibersafter exposure to 20–900 C. The direct and the indirect tensile strength (in bending) were measured through tensile experiment ondog-bone specimens and bending experiment on 40 9 40 9 160 mm prisms. RPC microstructure was analyzed using scanningelectron microscope. The results indicate that, steel fibers can significantly improve the tensile performance of hybrid fiberreinforcedRPC, whereas polypropylene fibers have no obvious effect on the tensile performance. With increasing temperature, theflexural and axial tensile strength of hybrid fiber-reinforced RPC substantially decrease linearly, which attributes to the deterioratingmicrostructure. Based on the experimental results, equations are established to express the decay of the flexural and tensilestrength with increasing temperature.