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International Concrete Abstracts Portal


Title: Prediction Of Service Life Of Reinforced Concrete By Considering The Initiation And The Propagation Periods

Author(s): Carmen Andrade

Publication: Symposium Paper

Volume: 305


Appears on pages(s): 4.1-4.10

Keywords: chloride threshold; corrosion probability; limits state; reinforcement corrosion, service life

DOI: 10.14359/51688564

Date: 9/1/2015

Service life calculations are now treated more in detail in standards and in particular in fib Model Code 2010. The new performance is introduced in addition to probabilistic calculations. In spite of the advances made it is necessary to apply the new approaches with care because any of the existing models have been calibrated in the same concrete more than a couple of decades and then, the predictions may present substantial errors. In addition, the calculation of the propagation period and the limit state of corrosion are aspects not well defined as the MC2010 does not considers any model for the propagation stage. In present paper are analysed some aspects of service life models proposing improvements. A universal statistical distribution of chloride threshold is presented and the consideration of an Initiation Limit State as defined by ISO 13283 is proposed for the depassivation onset. Finally, are illustrated trough examples that the probability of failure for deterioration processes should not be a fixed value but it would depend on the rate of deterioration.