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International Concrete Abstracts Portal


Title: The concrete structures assisted by computer: a current technological challenge

Author(s): Tárano Shouddy León, Juan José Alvear Howland

Publication: IMCYC

Volume: 2

Issue: 1

Appears on pages(s): 44-49

Keywords: Computing applied to construction, concreting technologies, rule-based systems, technological processes, background of computing in concreting


Date: 7/1/2010

Activities of Concreting Technology are complex due to their interconnection and multivariate and multi-causal nature. This situation turns their processes into a potential source for studies and applied researches to understand and optimally control the resources and achieve optimal results. Part of efforts in order to make the concreting activity a coherent and systematic process is to incorporate the computer science in the field. This paper provides an effort to previous attempts in past stages both in the country and internationally, where computers have been incorporated into different stages of the concreting process. Current technological conditions and the development of computational methods and algorithms that allow assisting in several technological processes, as well as optimization techniques of applied mathematics, inhibit the creation of a favorable scenario to continue with the efforts that remained in the past. This paper introduces the term “Computer Aided Organization of Concreting” and states the key features and scenarios that can argue this term.

Mexican Institute of cement and concrete, International Partner Access

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