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Showing 1-5 of 10 Abstracts search results
May 1, 2021
Abdoulaye Sanni B., Hamdy M. Mohamed, Ammar Yahia, and Brahim Benmokrane
Structural Journal
This paper presents the test results of an experimental investigation conducted on 14 full-scale circular lightweight self-consolidating concrete (LWSCC) columns reinforced with glass fiber-reinforced polymer (GFRP) bars and spirals. The 300 mm (12 in.) diameter columns were designed according to CAN/CSA S806-12 code requirements. The columns were constructed using new designed and developed LWSCC and tested under axial and eccentric loading. The test variables were the eccentricity-to-diameter ratio, longitudinal reinforcement ratio, and type of reinforcement (steel versus GFRP). Four eccentricity-to-diameter ratios were estimated and applied (8.2, 16.4, 32.8, and 65.6%) to develop the nominal failure envelope. Test results indicate that increasing the GFRP longitudinal-reinforcement ratio enhanced the post-peak performance of LWSCC columns. On the other hand, the failure mechanism of the tested LWSCC columns was similar to that reported previously for conventional reinforced normal-weight concrete columns. Based on the fundamentals of equilibrium of forces and compatibility of strains, the available equivalent stressblock parameters and design provisions in the literature were used to predict the axial-flexural capacity of the tested GFRP-reinforced LWSCC columns. The predicted i interaction diagrams are presented and discussed.
September 1, 2012
Alejandro Perez Caldentey, Patricio Padilla, Aurelio Muttoni, and Miguel Fernandez Ruiz
The shear resistance of elements without stirrups has mainly been investigated by test setups involving simply supported beams of constant thickness subjected to one- or two-point loading, and most of the formulas included in codes have been adjusted using this experimental background. It is a fact, however, that most design situations involve constant or triangular distributed loading (such as retaining walls or footings) on tapered members. Furthermore, there seems to be few shear tests involving cantilever structures subjected to distributed loading. These structures, which are common in everyday practice, fail in shear near the clamped end, where the shear forces and bending moments are maximum (contrary to simply supported beams of tests, where shear failures under distributed loading develop near the support region for large shear forces but limited bending moments). In this paper, a specific testing program undertaken at the Polytechnic University of Madrid (UPM), Madrid, Spain, in close collaboration with Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), Lausanne, Switzerland, is presented. It was aimed at investigating the influence of load distribution and tapered beam geometrics on the shear strength. The experimental program consists of eight slender beams without stirrups. Four specimens had a constant depth, whereas the others had variable depths (maximum depth of 600 mm [23.6 in.]). Each specimen was tested twice: one side was tested first under point loading, and then (after repairing) the other side was tested under either uniform loading or triangular loading. The setup allowed direct comparisons between point and distributed loading. The experimental results showed a significant influence of the type of loading and of tapered geometries on the shear strength. On the basis of these results, and using the fundamentals of the critical shear crack theory, a consistent physical explanation of the observed failure modes and differences in shear strength is provided. Also, comparisons to current design provisions (ACI 318-08 and EC2) are discussed.
June 1, 1978
F. L. Moreadith
Journal Proceedings
Combined bending and axial tension is a common problemin the structural design of reinforced concrete structures for nuclear power plant facilities. Even in design situations of more standard civil engineering structures (e.g., coliseum frames and high-rise bulidings) there can be significant bending-tension force combinations to consider in the design. Until the last several years, little liturature had been available to provide the design engineer with guidance. The concepts reviewed herein suggest that certain misconceptions may result from recent lituraure ralted to this problem. Definite design recommendations are presented based on ultimate strength fundamentals of strain compatiblity and equilibrium of internal forces. Accepted ACI 318-71 requirements are taken into consideration.
October 1, 1969
ACI Committee 304
Outlines uses of this method of preplaced aggregate concrete construction. Discusses selection of materials and grout mix proportioning. Recommendations for form preparation, aggregate placing, arrangement of piping, grout pumping and sequence of injection, finishing, curing, and methods of quality control are made. Fundamentals of good practice in preplaced aggregate construction are recommended by which unanticipated problems can be remedied or avoided.
October 1, 1954
F. Thomas Collins
Design and construction details are presented on precast concrete wall panels of sandwich panel deign. While most precast concrete sandwich wall panels to date have been factory fabricated in relatively small panels, advantages are cited for casting large sandwich panels for tilt-up construction. Details are given on various types of sandwich panels. Some fundamentals of deisgn for conventional sandwich walls are given with simple calculations. An example wall is designed for tilt-up construction. Incorporation of prestressing in such a panel is discussed. A cost analysis is also included.
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