International Concrete Abstracts Portal

Showing 1-5 of 1438 Abstracts search results




January 1, 2025


Wassim Nasreddine, Adi Obeidah, Peter H. Bischoff, and Hani Nassif


Structural Journal






Prediction of immediate deflection is evaluated for cracked prestressed concrete members using integration of curvature. Integration accounts for changes in member stiffness and strand eccentricity along the member length when applicable. Several approaches are considered, including a bilinear momentdeformation response and those using an effective moment of inertia based either on an effective prestress moment defined by an effective eccentricity of the prestress force or an offset in the cracked response with tension stiffening. Comparison is also made with deflection computed directly, assuming a uniform member stiffness based on the effective moment of inertia at the critical section where the moment is greatest. Results are evaluated using an extensive database for beams either fully or partially prestressed. The beams are simply supported under two-point loading and have a straight tendon profile with constant eccentricity. Integration of curvature is observed to improve prediction of immediate deflection in general and depends not only on the approach used but on several factors that include the cracking moment, elastic modulus of concrete, and the effect of approximating uncracked section properties with gross section properties.






December 19, 2024


Eman Ibrahim, Abdoulaye Sanni B., Ahmed E. Salama, Ammar Yahia, and Brahim Benmokrane


Structural Journal


This study investigated the serviceability behavior and strength of polypropylene-fiber (PF) reinforced self-consolidating concrete (PFSCC) beams reinforced with glass fiber-reinforced polymer (GFRP) bars. Five full-scale concrete beams measuring 3100 mm long × 200 mm wide × 300 mm deep (122.1 × 7.9 × 11.8 in.) were fabricated and tested up to failure under four-point bending cyclic loading. Test parameters included the longitudinal reinforcement ratio (0.78, 1.18, and 1.66%) and polypropylene fiber (PF) volume (0, 0.5, and 0.75% by concrete volume). The effect of these parameters on serviceability behavior and strength of the test specimens is analyzed and discussed herein. All the beams were evaluated for cracking behavior, deflection, crack width, strength, failure mode, stiffness degradation, and deformability factor. The test results revealed that increasing the reinforcement ratio and PF fiber volume enhanced the serviceability and flexural performance of the beams by effectively restraining crack widths, reducing deflections at the service and ultimate limit states, and decreasing residual deformation. The stiffness exhibited a fast-to-slow degradation trend until failure for all beams, at which point the beams with a higher reinforcement ratio and fiber volume evidenced higher residual stiffness. The cracking moment, flexural capacities, and crack width of the tested beams were predicted according to the North American codes and design guidelines and compared with the experimental ones. Lastly, the deformability for all beams was quantified with the J-factor approach according to CSA S6-19. Moreover, the tested beams demonstrated adequate deformability as per the calculated deformability factors.






December 17, 2024


Laura N. Lowes, Ray Yu, Dawn E. Lehman, Scott Campbell


Structural Journal


Reinforced concrete walls are used commonly in low- and mid-rise construction because they provide high strength, stiffness, and durability. In regions of low and moderate seismicity, ACI 318 Code requirements for minimum reinforcement ratio and maximum reinforcement spacing typically control over strength-based requirements. However, these requirements are not well supported by research. The current study investigates requirements for the amount and spacing of reinforcement using experimentally validated nonlinear finite element modeling. For lightly reinforced concrete walls subjected to out-of-plane loading, i) peak strength is controlled by concrete cracking, and ii) residual strength depends on the number of curtains of steel. Walls with very low steel-fiber dosages were also studied. Results show that fiber, rather than discrete bars, provides the most benefit to wall strength, with fiber-reinforced concrete walls achieving peak strengths more than twice that of identically reinforced concrete walls.






December 17, 2024


Shih-Ho Chao and Venkatesh Babu Kaka


Structural Journal


Noncorrosive fiber-reinforced polymer (FRP) reinforcement presents an attractive alternative to conventional steel reinforcement, which is prone to corrosion, especially in harsh environments exposed to deicing salt or seawater. However, FRP rebars’ lower axial stiffness leads to greater crack widths when FRP reinforcing bars elongate, resulting in significantly lower flexural stiffness for FRP-reinforcing bar-reinforced concrete members. The deeper cracks and larger crack widths also reduce the depth of the compression zone. Consequently, both the aggregate interlock and the compression zone for shear resistance are significantly reduced. Additionally, due to their limited tensile ductility, FRP reinforcing bars can rupture before the concrete crushes, potentially resulting in sudden and catastrophic member failure. Therefore, ACI Committee 440 states that through a compression-controlled design, FRP-reinforcing bar-reinforced concrete members can be intentionally designed to fail by allowing the concrete to crush before the FRP reinforcing bars rupture. However, this design approach does not yield an equivalent ductile behavior when compared to steel-reinforcing bar-reinforced concrete members, resulting in a lower strength reduction, ϕ, value of 0.65. In this regard, using FRP-reinforcing bar-reinforced ultra-high-performance concrete (UHPC) members offers a novel solution, providing high strength, stiffness, ductility, and corrosion-resistant characteristics. UHPC has a very low water-to-cementitious materials ratio (0.18 to 0.25), which results in dense particle packing. This very dense microstructure and low water ratio not only improves compressive strength but also delays liquid ingress. UHPC can be tailored to achieve exceptional compressive ductility, with a maximum usable compressive strain greater than 0.015. Unlike conventional designs where ductility is provided by steel reinforcing bars, UHPC can be used to achieve the required ductility for a flexural member, allowing FRP reinforcing bars to be designed to stay elastic. The high member ductility also justifies the use of a higher strength reduction factor, ϕ, of 0.9. This research, validated through large-scale experiments, explores this design concept by leveraging UHPC’s high compressive ductility, cracking resistance, and shear strength, along with a high quantity of noncorrosive FRP reinforcing bars. The increased amount of longitudinal reinforcement helps maintain the flexural stiffness (controlling deflection under service loads), bond strength, and shear strength of the members. Furthermore, the damage-resistant capability of UHPC and the elasticity of FRP reinforcing bars provide a structural member with a restoring force, leading to reduced residual deflection and enhanced resilience.






December 6, 2024


Muhammad Saad Khan, Muhammad Masood Rafi, Humberto Varum


Structural Journal


This paper presents experimental testing results on full-scale RC column specimens subjected to quasi-static cyclic loading. Two types of lap-spliced steel rebars were used: hot-rolled thermo-mechanically treated (TMT) and cold-twisted ribbed bars. The specimens were tested under varying axial load levels: CD-10 and CD-20 specimens, reinforced with TMT bars, were loaded at 10% and 20% of the column's axial load capacity, respectively, while CT-20 specimen, reinforced with cold-twisted ribbed bars, was axially loaded at 20% capacity. In contrast to the cold-twisted bars, the TMT bars’ yield strength exceeded the specified strength by 38%, leading to an underestimation of the required rebar splice length and significantly impacting cracking patterns and curvature near the dowel end. The CD-20 and CT-20 specimens showed comparable lateral load capacity and initial stiffness, substantially higher than the CD-10 specimen. The CT-20 specimen exhibited symmetrical hysteretic behavior, indicating a consistent response to reversed cyclic loading, with (on average) 10% and 45% higher peak and ultimate displacement capacity than CD-10 and CD-20, respectively, and 45% higher displacement ductility capacity. Notably, only the CT-20 specimen met the acceptance criteria for structural testing described by the code of practice, while the lower ductility and ultimate rotation capacity of CD-10 and CD-20 resulted from the unintended increase in rebar yield strength.




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  • The International Concrete Abstracts Portal is an ACI led collaboration with leading technical organizations from within the international concrete industry and offers the most comprehensive collection of published concrete abstracts.