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International Concrete Abstracts Portal


Title: Equivalent Durability Performance of Portland Limestone Cement

Author(s): Michael D.A. Thomas, Anik Delagrave, Bruce Blair, and Laurent Barcelo

Publication: Concrete International

Volume: 35

Issue: 12

Appears on pages(s): 39-45

Keywords: deterioration, mixture, SCM, specification


Date: 12/1/2013

This article, the third in a series on portland limestone cement (PLC), reports on the mechanisms that allow PLC mixtures to maintain the same levels of durability performance as portland cement (PC) mixtures. It discusses results of alkali-silica reactivity, sulfate resistance, freezing-and-thawing, scale resistance, and carbonation testing. PC and PLC used in presented studies came from the same mill circuit. The target limestone content of the PLC was 12%, the limestone was interground with the cement clinker, and the fineness of the PLC was increased to achieve the same 28-day (mortar) strength as the PC.