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International Concrete Abstracts Portal


Title: Impact-Echo Signal Interpretation Using Artificial Intelligence

Author(s): Donald Pratt and Mary Sansalone

Publication: Materials Journal

Volume: 89

Issue: 2

Appears on pages(s): 178-187

Keywords: artificial intelligence; concretes; impact tests; slabs; voids; stress waves; Materials Research

DOI: 10.14359/2265

Date: 3/1/1992

Discusses advancements in impact-echo instrumentation and signal processing that have led to the development of an automated field system. The basic principles involved in impact-echo testing and signal analysis are reviewed. An artificial intelligence technique called a neural network, which has been used to automate signal interpretation from platelike concrete structures, is explained, and examples of its use on concrete slabs containing voids and cracks are shown. Impact-echo instrumentation is discussed, and a new, rapid impact-echo field system is presented. This field system can be used independently when testing concrete structures, such as beams or columns, or in conjunction with the automated signal interpretation software when testing plate-like structures, such as bridge decks, parking garage slabs, and walls. The automated field system makes it possible for the impact-echo test method to become a practical nondestructive tool for condition assessment of concrete structures.