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International Concrete Abstracts Portal


Title: GFRP Bars under Sustained Load and Alkaline Conditions

Author(s): Callum Harper and Shamim A. Sheikh

Publication: Structural Journal



Appears on pages(s):

Keywords: alkalinity; creep-rupture; durability; elevated temperature; GFRP bars; stress limits; ; sustainability sustained load

DOI: 10.14359/51740708

Date: 3/20/2024

This paper presents the results of creep rupture tests conducted on two different sizes of GFRP bars from two different manufacturers under high alkaline conditions at room temperature (~23°C) (~73.4°F) and 60°C (140°F). Regular tensile tests were also conducted on the bars at the two temperatures to provide insight into the effects of high temperature on their long-term performance. The results show that the larger bar performed slightly better at room temperature, but significantly better at the elevated temperature. The larger size bars also lost less tensile strength at the elevated temperature. It was observed that temperature had a greater effect on the long-term performance of GFRP bars than alkalinity. The current design code limits on the allowable stresses were evaluated against the test results and found to be overly conservative.