International Concrete Abstracts Portal


Title: Family of Thermal Nomograms for Mass Concrete

Author(s): J. Brown, L. E. Al-Hasani, J. Park, K. E. Kurtis, R. Gentry, and Y. K. Cho

Publication: Materials Journal

Volume: 120

Issue: 6

Appears on pages(s): 81-94

Keywords: mass concrete; nomograms; thermal management

DOI: 10.14359/51739148

Date: 12/1/2023

Thermal management of mass concrete can adversely impact a project’s cost and schedule, both during planning and in execution. Nomograms are presented as aids to quickly identifying and making tradeoffs among promising thermal management options. First, the temperature of fresh concrete and a worst-case adiabatic temperature estimate is provided by a nomogram based on simple physical models. A subsequent nomogram accounts for the impact of size, shape, and environment and is based on a surrogate model generated from many three-dimensional (3-D) finite element simulations without postcooling. Finally, nomograms for postcooling are given, similarly founded on finite element-derived surrogate models, for two classes of cooling pipe layouts. The use of these nomograms, with an awareness of their estimated error, is discussed for the initial development of mass concrete thermal management plans.


Electronic Materials Journal



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