International Concrete Abstracts Portal


Title: Mechanical Properties and Elastic-Plastic Constitutive Model for Autoclaved Aerated Concrete Block

Author(s): Lei Liu, Peng Liu, Guoxin Chen, Zhihui Zheng, and Zhiwu Yu

Publication: Materials Journal

Volume: 118

Issue: 2

Appears on pages(s): 127-138

Keywords: autoclaved aerated concrete block; elastic-plastic constitutive model; mechanical properties; numerical simulation; unified strength theory

DOI: 10.14359/51730415

Date: 3/1/2021

Based on the unified strength theory as the yield criterion, an elastic-plastic constitutive model of autoclaved aerated concrete block (AACB) considering the intermediate principal stress was proposed. Meanwhile, the mechanical properties and failure mechanism of AACB were investigated by the uniaxial compressive, tensile, shear, and static triaxial compressive tests. The yield function based on the unified strength theory of AACB was derived. Moreover, the proposed model was integrated into the general finite element package ABAQUS by UMAT to simulate the deformation process of AACB under triaxial compressive. The numerical simulation results of AACB were in good accordance with but slightly larger than the static triaxial test results, which implied that the proposed constitutive model could be used to characterize the mechanical characteristics of AACB under complex stress states with high computational efficiency.


Electronic Materials Journal



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