International Concrete Abstracts Portal


Title: Evaluation of Cold-Weather Concrete Patching Materials

Author(s): Shivaprasad Kudlapur, Ariel Hanaor, P. N. Balaguru, and Edward G. Nawy

Publication: Materials Journal

Volume: 86

Issue: 1

Appears on pages(s): 36-45

Keywords: bridge decks; cold weather construction; concrete pavements; evaluation; low temperature; magnesium cements; magnesium phosphates; methyl methacrylate; patching; polymer concrete; repairs; renovating; setting (hardening); Materials Research

DOI: 10.14359/1834

Date: 1/1/1989

Presents results of an investigation of patching materials suitable for winter maintenance operations of bridges and pavements at subfreezing temperatures. Four materials, identified by a preliminary screening investigation as potentially suitable, were tested extensively for strength and durability. The four materials are methyl methacrylate-based polymer concrete, two types of magnesium phosphate-based concretes, and polyurethane-based concrete. Methyl methacrylate emerges as superior to the other materials in terms of performance, but environmental considerations mitigate in favor of the magnesium phosphates. The water-based magnesium phosphate has relatively poor freeze-thaw durability when cast at subfreezing temperatures, but the liquid-activated variety offers a reasonable compromise between performance and environmental factors.


Electronic Materials Journal



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