Concrete Industry Calendar

ACI Convention - Philadelphia
ACI Convention - Philadelphia

4th RILEM International Conference on Concrete and Digital Fabrication (Digital Concrete 2024)

September 4, 2024 to September 6, 2024
Starting Time:   TBA CET
End Time:   TBA CET

Science Congress Center Munich
Walther-von-Dyck-Strase 10
Garching bei Munchen    Germany
Sponsor(s): RILEM, Technical Universities Munich and Braunschw

DC 2024 is a 'must attend' event for researchers, engineers, architects as well as foresighted individuals from industry, politics and organizations to share and discuss the latest technological innovations within the AEC sector. The conference will provide a platform for the key developments in the field of digital fabrication in construction, ranging from additive manufacturing with concrete, metal, wood, clay, fibres and other innovative materials, to sustainable digital workflows from design to fabrication. DC 2024 aims to present the latest scientific findings alongside the latest industrial developments.

Conference Chair Committee : Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dirk Lowke Technical University of Munich (TUM), Germany
Scientific Chair Committee : Viktor Mechtcherine, Dresden University of Technology, Germany
For additional on-line info, click on the link below:
4th RILEM International Conference on Concrete and

For more information, contact:
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dirk Lowke
Technical University of Munich
Arcisstr. 21
Munchen    80333    Germany
Phone: +33160051404


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