Concrete Industry Calendar

ACI Convention - Philadelphia
ACI Convention - Philadelphia

78th RILEM Annual Week & RILEM Conference on Sustainable Materials & Structures: Meeting the major challenges of the 21st century - SMS 2024

August 25, 2024 to August 30, 2024
Starting Time:   9:00 CET
End Time:   5:30 CET

Centre de Congres Pierre Baudis
135 av Rangueil
Toulouse    France
Sponsor(s): RILEM, INSA, LMDC, Toulouse Metropole

The conference will aim to present and discuss the recent advances in materials and structures research to meet the great challenges of the 21th century and beyond:
- enable sustainable, safe and durable construction (new and existing buildings and strategic infrastructures),
- promote the circular construction / economy;
- improve the energy efficiency of construction,
- favour the quality and comfort of building (indoor air quality and comfort).

All these topics will be considered from the material’s perspective, but also from the structure's perspective.

A special focus will be put on the worldwide practices and rationale to meet these goals.

Chair of Organizing Committee:
Prof. Alexandra Bertron, LMDC, INSA Toulouse, France
Chair of Scientific Committee:
RILEM Technical Activity Committee (TAC) Chair: Prof. Enrico Sassoni, U. Bologna, Italy
For additional on-line info, click on the link below:
78th RILEM Annual Week

For more information, contact:
Miss Patricia Jarry
INSA Toulouse
135 av Rangueil
Toulouse    31400    France
Phone: +33561559531


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