Translated Articles

Volunteers from ACI’s international chapters and international partner associations have translated CI articles into several languages. This activity helps advance the mission of ACI by further disseminating knowledge of concrete technology around the world.



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Showing 91-95 of 187 search results

The seawall retrofit and repair project in Charleston, SC, USA, included the application of glass fiber-reinforced polymer (GFRP) reinforcement in all wall components and for the seaside face of the seawall’s full length. GFRP reinforcement was selected for its corrosion resistance and aesthetic performance—no staining of exposed surfaces due to leaching of corrosion products.

Available in the following language(s): Spanish

According to Appendix C—Alternative Load and Strength Reduction Factors in ACI 318-111 and previous versions, a load combination given by Eq. (C.9-2), U = 0.75(1.4D + 1.7L) + 1.6W, can be used for structures when service-level wind loads are used. Because this appendix was removed from ACI 318-142 and ACI 318-19,3 could these requirements still be used when designing with ACI 318-19?

According to Fig. 1 (Fig. R17.10.5.3 in ACI 318-191), grout pad thickness is included when calculating stretch length. Is that correct? If using sleeves, can they be filled with grout? What is the effective depth (hef) of an anchor with a sleeve?

Available in the following language(s): Spanish

The University of Pennsylvania (Penn) has been selected to receive $2.4M in funding from the U.S. Department of Energy Advanced Research Projects Agency-Energy (ARPA-E).

Available in the following language(s): Spanish

Limestone calcined clay cement (LC3) is a blend of two materials that, when combined, have a synergetic effect. It allows the reduction of as much as half of the clinker content, resulting in cutting up to 40% of the CO2 emissions from the cement and concrete industry. The potential for the CO2 reduction depends on the conditions of calcination and the proximity of the clay.

Available in the following language(s): Spanish

The Cube at the Technical University Dresden, Dresden, Germany, is solely constructed of carbon textile-reinforced concrete. The walls of the central, simple two-story box structure were built using insulated double-wall elements, while the ceilings were constructed with carbon textile concrete precast elements. The curved portion of the building was made by layering concrete and carbon textile and placing insulation boards between those layers.

Available in the following language(s): Spanish

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