Translated Articles

Volunteers from ACI’s international chapters and international partner associations have translated CI articles into several languages. This activity helps advance the mission of ACI by further disseminating knowledge of concrete technology around the world.




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Showing 206-210 of 218 search results

This article is a response to “Brittle Failures in Precast Parking Structures” by William L. Gamble, Gordon H. Reigstad, and Jason Reigstad, published in CI in September 2019. It provides discussion on the original design concept for prestressed concrete double-tees with flanges reinforced primarily with carbon-fiber-reinforced polymer grid, their development and evaluation, and flange failures. A closure from the authors of the September 2019 CI article is also provided.

Available in the following language(s): Spanish

Design of insulated concrete wall panels (ICWPs) resides outside of the current building code provisions. The behavior of an ICWP is largely a function of the wythe connector stiffness and strength. Using the percent composite analogy, designers of partially composite ICWPs can follow the design process for a solid wall. However, they must be aware of the limitations of this approach and the various factors that affect the panel deflections and stresses when subjected to service and design loadings.

Available in the following language(s): Spanish

Haunched single-span bridges (HSSBs) are used where an aesthetically pleasing graceful shape is desired and/or the vertical clearance needs to be maximized. After a brief introduction into simple-span bridges with short cantilever extensions, the article provides a complete design example for a post-tensioned concrete box girder HSSB. The design example is presented as a simple six-step procedure. These bridges are relatively easy to design, even for novice bridge designers.

Available in the following language(s): Spanish

Motera Stadium, Ahmedabad, India, is the largest cricket stadium in the world. The designers chose to use precast concrete for the structure, and they strived to minimize the number of elements and their joints. This resulted in large and heavy sections with complex, asymmetrical geometries. This article discusses the rigging and assembly of the precast elements that form the structural system of the upper bowl of the stadium.

Available in the following language(s): Spanish

To create a perimeter band of free-flowing workspaces with maximal views of the surrounding landscape at the Novartis Oncology Research Building in East Hanover, NJ, the designers significantly set back the columns from the façade, resulting in long-span cantilevers and large, column-free expanses. The challenges with the quantity and density of a bonded post-tensioning system necessary to meet performance requirements could only be met through open, creative, and precise collaborative efforts between the owner, builders, manufacturers, installers, and designers.

Available in the following language(s): Japanese

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