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Showing 181-185 of 211 search results
The REACH is a 72,000 ft2 (6700 m2) expansion of the John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts in Washington, DC, USA. It comprises three prominent pavilions connected by studios, classrooms, and a parking structure below an interwoven green roof. It was constructed using a variety of exposed concrete finishes and structural and architectural components. The article provides insights into the execution of some of the project’s outstanding features.
Available in the following language(s): Spanish
Even though ACI does not offer a standard specification for proof-rolling of a prepared base for a slab-on-ground, related requirements and recommendations are provided in ACI 301-20, ACI 360R-10, and ACI 302.1R-15. Excerpts from these documents are provided, along with recommendations and examples that readers may use to develop specification language for proof-rolling.
Available in the following language(s): Spanish
A 23 km (14 mile) long and up to 80 m (262 ft) wide flood mitigation channel in Jizan, Saudi Arabia, is the largest glass fiber-reinforced polymer (GFRP) reinforcing bar project in the world. GFRP bar manufacturer Mateenbar, based in Dubai, United Arab Emirates (UAE), was awarded 50% of the contract. The factory produced almost 6000 km (3730 miles) of GFRP reinforcing bars over 7 months.
Available in the following language(s): Spanish
The performance of fiber-reinforced shotcrete (FRS) depends on the quality of the shotcrete (its constituents and process), the performance of the fibers, and the interaction between the fibers and the shotcrete matrix. Unfortunately, the latter aspect is too often overlooked when designing an FRS mixture. Getting the most out of FRS is about finding the right “composite” for the situation or application considered and selecting an appropriate test method.
Available in the following language(s): Spanish
Fiber-reinforced polymer (FRP) reinforcement has been successfully used as structural reinforcement in concrete members in buildings and bridges for the past 30 years. FRP resists corrosion and has a high stiffness-to-weight ratio that reduces labor and costs relative to steel. The article discusses how FRP bars and meshes can be used as primary or secondary concrete reinforcement, in compliance with the legally adopted building codes in the United States.
Available in the following language(s): Spanish