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Showing 116-120 of 218 search results
Since 1994, over 500 concrete panels on Runway 16C/34C at the Seattle-Tacoma International Airport were replaced with slabs constructed with belitic calcium sulfoaluminate cement concrete. The article discusses evaluation of these slabs after about 23 years in service, including compressive and flexural strength, chemistry of the pore solution, and concrete microstructure.
Available in the following language(s): Spanish
The article examines the assumptions in the ACI 318 Code and design approaches for shear using the results from beam tests with varying shear reinforcement designs measured with emerging sensor technologies. It describes the research campaign, presents the distributed measurements with a discussion of the key insights, and offers some takeaways for designers.
Available in the following language(s): Spanish, Japanese
Is coring the only option when lower than specified strength is determined in a section of a concrete structure? This month’s Q&A discusses when coring is needed to determine in-place concrete strength as well as coring procedure, testing cores, and evaluating test results.
Available in the following language(s): Spanish
Increasing opportunities for professional development is one of
the main objectives of ACI’s strategic plan. This is especially true when it comes to making sure that ACI’s 118-year-old archive of concrete knowledge and technology is passed along from one generation to the next.
Available in the following language(s): Spanish
ACI Foundation Fellowship recipient Ziad Elaghoury talks about his passion for concrete
Available in the following language(s): Spanish