Translated Articles

Volunteers from ACI’s international chapters and international partner associations have translated CI articles into several languages. This activity helps advance the mission of ACI by further disseminating knowledge of concrete technology around the world.




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Showing 76-80 of 192 search results

Achieving the designed service life of a repair depends on several factors including the material selection. This month’s Q&A discusses using portland-limestone cement instead of specified portland cement to repair concrete severely damaged by freezing-and-thawing cycles and corrosion due to exposure to deicing salts. The repair is expected to last at least 30 years.

Available in the following language(s): Spanish

In 2022, NEx: An ACI Center of Excellence for Nonmetallic Building Materials received sponsorship of more than $575,000 from Sustaining Member Aramco Americas for project funding.

Available in the following language(s): Spanish

The South Korean government has designated the cement-concrete industry as one of the key industries that must reduce carbon emissions to achieve carbon neutrality by 2050. The article outlines the present situation of South Korea’s policy implementation on carbon neutrality in the cement-concrete field and discusses technological items to realize carbon neutrality.

Available in the following language(s): Spanish

The development process for the 2024 International Code Council family of codes is complete. ACI members voluntarily participated in the hearings to provide needed expert subject matter testimony for proposals introducing ACI documents as referenced standards. The article discusses the most significant I-Code changes relevant to ACI technical committee work.

Available in the following language(s): Spanish

Exposure to heavy vehicles, rain, and high-water tables can cause damage that necessitates soil stabilization to restore the original load-bearing capacity and extend a road’s service life. With copolymers, these objectives become easy and affordable. Copolymers capsulate soil particles, bind them together into larger soil particles, and create a solid, dense, and hydrophobic layer.

Available in the following language(s): Spanish

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