Testing of Concrete

Definition: a trial, examination, observation, or evaluation used as a means of measuring either a physical or a chemical characteristic of a material, or a physical characteristic of either a structural element or a structure.- ACI Concrete Terminology

In testing, the aim is to determine quality. The testing of concrete, concrete masonry, and their reinforcement is commonly used by design professionals during structural assessment and retrofit planning. The testing of materials may be performed to supply routine information on the quality of a products (control testing), to develop new or better information on known materials or to develop new materials, or to obtain accurate measures of fundamental properties or physical constants.


Fracture Behavior of Three-Dimensional-Printable Cementitious Mortars in Very Early Ages and Hardened States

Publication: Materials Journal
Date: 4/1/2024

Study on the Pore Characteristics of Micro Foam Concrete Based on Different Mixing Ratios

Publication: Materials Journal
Date: 3/15/2024

Three-Stage Testing Protocol to Recreate Thermo-Mechanical Properties of Mass Concrete

Publication: Materials Journal
Date: 3/15/2024

Prediction of Tensile Properties of Ultra-High-Performance Concrete Using Artificial Neural Network

Publication: Structural Journal
Date: 3/1/2024

Ultimate Shear Strength Prediction for Slender Reinforced Concrete Beams without Transverse Reinforcement Using Machine Learning Approach

Publication: Structural Journal
Date: 3/1/2024

Shear Strength of Concrete Block Masonry Using Direct Shear Test

Publication: Structural Journal
Date: 3/1/2024

Approach for Production of Textile-Reinforced Beams and Slabs Using Three-Dimensional Concrete Printing

Publication: Structural Journal
Date: 3/1/2024

Multi-Approaches to Improve Internally Cured Concrete for Rigid Pavement Application

Publication: Materials Journal
Date: 2/8/2024

Assessment of Approaches for Determining the Time-Zero Of Concrete

Publication: Materials Journal
Date: 2/8/2024

Experimental Investigation of Size Effect on Shear Strength of Reinforced Concrete Pile Caps

Publication: Structural Journal
Date: 1/1/2024

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