Ultra-High-Performance Concrete with Micro- to Nanoscale Reinforcement

Publication: Materials Journal
Date: 4/1/2024

Evaluation of Deflection Calculation for Hybrid Reinforced Concrete with FRP and Steel Bars

Publication: Structural Journal
Date: 3/22/2024

Development and Characterization of a Tension-Hardening Quarry Waste-Based Geopolymer Concrete

Publication: Materials Journal
Date: 3/15/2024

Seismic Effect of Reinforcement around Circular Opening in Reinforced Concrete Beam

Publication: Structural Journal
Date: 2/14/2024

Multi-Approaches to Improve Internally Cured Concrete for Rigid Pavement Application

Publication: Materials Journal
Date: 2/8/2024

Contribution of Shrinkage Reducing Admixture and Lightweight Sand on Moist Curing Requirement for Fiber-Reinforced Ultra-High-Performance Concrete

Publication: Materials Journal
Date: 2/8/2024

Early-Age Cracking Resistance of Reinforced High-Strength Concrete

Publication: Structural Journal
Date: 1/23/2024

Beam-Column Joint Retrofitting Using Basalt Fiber- Reinforced Polymer Grid and Cementitious Matrixes

Publication: Structural Journal
Date: 1/1/2024

High-Volume Fly Ash Engineered Cementitious Composite for Underground and Hydraulic Engineering

Publication: Materials Journal
Date: 1/1/2024

Seawater-Mixed Lightweight Aggregate Concretes with Dune Sand, Waste Glass and Nanosilica: Experimental and Life Cycle Analysis

Publication: IJCSM
Date: 11/30/2023

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