Detailing in Concrete

Detailing is the drawing of a reinforced concrete structure, which includes showing the size, location, type, placement, splices, and termination of the reinforcement. Detailing is done in two stages. The first is the communication of the design from the licensed design professional to the reinforcement fabricator on structural drawings. The second is the communication of the field assembly from the reinforcement fabricator to the contractor on placement drawings.

Practice oriented papers and articles ON DETAILING IN CONCRETE

Pedagogical Techniques used to Teach Detailing of Reinforced Concrete Structures

Publication: Special Publication
Date: 11/1/2023

Transverse Prestressing of Bridge Columns for Seismic Retrofit and Repair

Publication: Special Publication
Date: 9/1/2023

Effect of the Shear Reinforcement Anchorage and Detailing on the Punching Resistance of Flat Slabs

Publication: Special Publication
Date: 4/1/2023

Reinforcement Congestion in Cast-in-Place Concrete

Publication: Concrete International
Date: 12/1/2022

Regression-Based Surrogate Models for the Probabilistic Study of Fire Exposed Composite Structures Considering Tensile Membrane Action

Publication: Special Publication
Date: 11/1/2021

Segmental Lining Design using Macro Synthetic Fibre Reinforcement

Publication: Special Publication
Date: 10/1/2020

Performance of Ductile FRCC under Cyclic Loads and Non-Linear FE Simulation

Publication: Special Publication
Date: 10/1/2020

Design of a Cantilever Canopy and its Supporting Beams for a Sport Stadium

Publication: Special Publication
Date: 10/1/2020

Torsion Design Example: Inverted Tee Bent Cap

Publication: Special Publication
Date: 10/1/2020

Using Cross Spirals in Confining High Strength Concrete Columns for More Seismic Resiliency: A Review

Publication: Special Publication
Date: 6/30/2020

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