Seismic Performance of Corroded Precast RC Columns with Intentional Debonding

Publication: Structural Journal
Date: 3/22/2024

Seismic Retrofitting of Corroded Reinforced Concrete Columns Using UHPC Jacketing

Publication: Structural Journal
Date: 2/14/2024

Durability Enhancement of the Basalt Fiber-Reinforced Polymer Seawater Sea-Sand Concrete Beam by Alkalinity Regulation

Publication: Structural Journal
Date: 2/14/2024

Durability of Reinforced Concrete Caisson Parapet Beam Exposed to Mediterranean Seawater after 500 Days

Publication: Materials Journal
Date: 1/1/2024

Cellular Automata for Corrosion in Carbon Fiber- Reinforced Polymer-Strengthened Bridge Columns

Publication: Structural Journal
Date: 1/1/2024

Chlorides in Concrete: Science-Based Exposure Classifications and Allowable Limits

Publication: Materials Journal
Date: 1/1/2024

Field Assessment of Biogenic Acid Attack in Concrete Structures

Publication: Materials Journal
Date: 12/1/2023

Automated Procedure to Identify Concrete Defects from Impact-Echo Data

Publication: Materials Journal
Date: 12/1/2023

Corrosion Behavior of Conventional and Corrosion-Resistant Steel Reinforcements in High-Performance and Ultra-High-Performance Concrete

Publication: Materials Journal
Date: 12/1/2023

An Improved Prediction for Bond Strength of Deformed Bars in Concrete Externally Confined with Fiber- Reinforced Polymer

Publication: Materials Journal
Date: 12/1/2023

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