Definition: to replace or correct deteriorated, damaged, or faulty materials, components, or elements of a structure.- ACI Concrete Terminology

Concrete repair involves a condition evaluation to assess the current condition of the concrete structure, a determination of the causes of deterioration or distress, and selection of repair methods and materials. The evaluation may include a review of available design and construction documents, structural analysis of the structure in its deteriorated condition, a review of available test data, a review of records of any previous repair work, a review of maintenance records, a visual inspection of the structure, an evaluation of corrosion activity, destructive and nondestructive testing, and a review of laboratory results from chemical and petrographic analysis of concrete samples. Following the evaluation, the deterioration mechanism that caused the deficiency should be determined, and finally the appropriate repair materials and methods can be selected.

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Effect of Surface Preparation Techniques on Concrete- Grout Interfaces

Publication: Materials Journal
Date: 1/1/2025

Experimental Investigations on Tensile and Shear Behavior of the Interface Between UHP-ECC and Concrete

Publication: IJCSM
Date: 12/31/2024

Using Municipal Solid-Waste Incinerator Fly Ash, Wash Water, and Propylene Fibers in Self-Compacting Repair Mortar, Greenhouse Gas Emissions Potential

Publication: IJCSM
Date: 11/30/2024

Cyclic Test of Precast Reinforced Concrete Tessellated Shear Wall

Publication: Structural Journal
Date: 9/1/2024

Seismic Retrofitting of Corroded Reinforced Concrete Columns Using Ultra-High-Performance Concrete Jacketing

Publication: Structural Journal
Date: 7/1/2024

Effectiveness of Biological Mortars with Bacterial Glycocalyx on Service Life of Concrete Structures Exposed to Salt Attack

Publication: IJCSM
Date: 5/31/2024

Impact of Confinement on Bar Anchorage in Relocated Plastic Hinges

Publication: Structural Journal
Date: 5/1/2024

Experimental Study of the Effect of Different Insulation Schemes on Fire Performance of FRP Strengthened Concrete: FIRECOAT and REALROCK

Publication: IJCSM
Date: 1/31/2024

Rehabilitation of Exterior Beam-Column Joint by Geopolymer Mortar under Quasi-Static Loading

Publication: Structural Journal
Date: 9/1/2023

Properties of Concrete and Structural Behaviour of Reinforced Concrete Beam Containing Shredded Waste Paper as An Additive

Publication: IJCSM
Date: 7/31/2023

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Practice oriented papers and articles ON REPAIR OF CONCRETE

Serviceability of Concrete Structures for Explosives Operating Locations and Live-Fire Training Facilities

Publication: Special Publication
Date: 12/1/2024

Serviceability of Concrete Structures for Explosives Storage

Publication: Special Publication
Date: 12/1/2024

Case Study: Garage Floor Renovation

Publication: Concrete International
Date: 9/1/2024

ICRI 2023 Project Awards

Publication: Concrete International
Date: 4/1/2024

Concrete Q&A: The Design Professional's Responsibilities Regarding Shoring

Publication: Concrete International
Date: 4/1/2024

Evaluation of the Bond Performance of Concrete-Epoxy Interface Using Segmentation-Based Image Processing Techniques

Publication: Special Publication
Date: 3/1/2024

Effectiveness of Using Dowelled GFRP Bars to Repair Reinforced Concrete Bridge Barriers

Publication: Special Publication
Date: 3/1/2024

Application of FRP in the Rehabilitation of Prestressed Concrete Girder Bridges

Publication: Special Publication
Date: 3/1/2024

New Joint ACI and ICRI Guide for Cementitious Repair Material Data Sheet

Publication: Concrete International
Date: 12/1/2023

Use of Rubberized ECC in repair/strengthening lightweight concrete elements

Publication: Special Publication
Date: 10/1/2023

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