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The ACI Virtual Concrete Convention, March 28 - April 1, 2021, offered a variety of programs and resources for students pursuing careers in the concrete industry. ACI now has more than 16,000 student members and 240+ student chapters. Most of the student activities held during the convention are coordinated by the S805 Student Leadership Council – ACI’s only student-led committee. These events kicked off on Sunday evening with the S805 committee meeting followed by the Student Networking Event that was hosted by the ACI Student Chapter at the University of the District of Colombia (USA). During the Student Networking Event, students had an opportunity to meet with peers from other universities as well as ACI Staff and ACI President Jeffrey W. Coleman. After brief introductions, the attendees were divided into teams and participated in a virtual game that included topics about concrete, ACI, and pop culture. The Undergraduate Research Session took place on Monday. This 2-hour session gave students a chance to experience presenting research during an international conference. The presentations included a variety of concrete-related topics such as self-healing concrete and the use of eco-friendly materials. Undergraduate Research Presenters: Steven Hardi, Institut Teknologi Bandung (INDONESIA) Daniela Rodrigues, Universidad Militar Nueva Granada (COLOMBIA) Jannatul Ferdous, Chittagong University of Engineering & Technology (BANGLADESH) Montale Tuen, University of Miami (USA) Kayla Marie Nadine Cañada, Ateneo De Naga University (PHILIPPINES) G.S.G. Moudgalya, SRM Institute of Technology (INDIA) Ana María Zhindon, Universidad San Francisco De Quito (ECUADOR) Jules Michael Mediavillo, Ateneo De Naga University (PHILIPPINES) Ezaz Ahmed, Chittagong University of Engineering & Technology (BANGLADESH) Gerdy Tjandra Lukas, Institut Teknologi Bandung (INDONESIA) Nayani Kodithuwakku, The Open University of Sri Lanka (SRI LANKA) Bnar Ameen, Tishk International University (IRAQ) Following the undergraduate session, students were invited to the ACI Student Lunch and Learn, sponsored by Baker Concrete, and the ACI Maryland and ACI National Capital Chapters. The speaker for the event was Henry Prenger, an ACI Fellow and Technical Service Engineer at LafargeHolcim. Prenger gave students real life examples of ethical issues that engineers face and advice on how to address them. On Tuesday, seven universities gave presentations about their ACI Student Chapter activities at the ACI Student Forum. Despite challenges and setbacks presented by the pandemic, most of ACI’s student chapters were able to continue conducting meetings, competitions, and special events using virtual platforms. ACI Student Forum Presenters: Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (PERU) University of Balamand (LEBANON) Islamic University of Technology (BANGLADESH) University of Sherbrooke (CANADA) University of Florida (USA) Tanta University (EGYPT) Bataan Peninsula State University (PHILIPPINES) The Student and Young Professional Activities Committee (SYPAC) is an ACI board-level committee that sponsors events and program for younger members and educators. Its subcommittees include S801 – Student Competitions; S802 Teaching Methods and Educational Material; S803 Faculty Network; S805 Student Leadership Council; and S806 Young Professional Activities Committee. ACI Members interested in joining any of the subcommittees should visit the ACI Directory of Committees. Learn More about ACI Student Membership
The ACI Virtual Concrete Convention, March 28 - April 1, 2021, offered a variety of programs and resources for students pursuing careers in the concrete industry. ACI now has more than 16,000 student members and 240+ student chapters.
Most of the student activities held during the convention are coordinated by the S805 Student Leadership Council – ACI’s only student-led committee. These events kicked off on Sunday evening with the S805 committee meeting followed by the Student Networking Event that was hosted by the ACI Student Chapter at the University of the District of Colombia (USA).
During the Student Networking Event, students had an opportunity to meet with peers from other universities as well as ACI Staff and ACI President Jeffrey W. Coleman. After brief introductions, the attendees were divided into teams and participated in a virtual game that included topics about concrete, ACI, and pop culture.
The Undergraduate Research Session took place on Monday. This 2-hour session gave students a chance to experience presenting research during an international conference. The presentations included a variety of concrete-related topics such as self-healing concrete and the use of eco-friendly materials.
Undergraduate Research Presenters:
Following the undergraduate session, students were invited to the ACI Student Lunch and Learn, sponsored by Baker Concrete, and the ACI Maryland and ACI National Capital Chapters. The speaker for the event was Henry Prenger, an ACI Fellow and Technical Service Engineer at LafargeHolcim. Prenger gave students real life examples of ethical issues that engineers face and advice on how to address them.
On Tuesday, seven universities gave presentations about their ACI Student Chapter activities at the ACI Student Forum. Despite challenges and setbacks presented by the pandemic, most of ACI’s student chapters were able to continue conducting meetings, competitions, and special events using virtual platforms.
ACI Student Forum Presenters:
The Student and Young Professional Activities Committee (SYPAC) is an ACI board-level committee that sponsors events and program for younger members and educators. Its subcommittees include S801 – Student Competitions; S802 Teaching Methods and Educational Material; S803 Faculty Network; S805 Student Leadership Council; and S806 Young Professional Activities Committee. ACI Members interested in joining any of the subcommittees should visit the ACI Directory of Committees.
Learn More about ACI Student Membership
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